Airway / Intubation Drugs Flashcards
Albuterol) class:
=B agonist w/ preference for B2 receptors
=bronchospasm, allergies, hyperkalemia
= hypersensitive, anxiety, dizzy/HA
Albuterol)Bronchospasm) dose:
Pedi dose:
= 2.5mg/3ml via SVN repeat 12-20, 0.83mg/ml
=1.25-2.5mg/1.5-3mL SVN
Atropine) Organophosphate poisoning dose:
=2-4mg (or higher) IV Push
Atropine) Class:
=Parasympatholytic & selectively blocks M receptors inhibiting PSANS
=allergy, hypothermic (82degrees), MIs & hypoxia→ increase O2 med
= <0.5mg may result in paradoxical slowing of heart // may not be effective for infranodal blocks- be prep/ed to pac
Dexamethasone) Adult Dose:
Pediatric Dose:
= 10 mg IV/IO/PO “better>sol-med”
= 0.5 mg/kg (max of 10 mg IV/IO/PO)
= Fluid retention (Peripheral edema) & May delay wound healing & small Increase in BGL (careful w/ diabetics)
Dexamethasone) Indi:
= Bronchial asthma, COPD, Anaphylaxis
= Known hypersensitivity, (Relative) Known fungal infection
Dexamethasone) Class:
Class/med Will:
= Synthetic glucocorticoid Anti-inflammatory
= Suppresses immune response
Diazepam / Vallium) Dynamics:
= Benzo: Binds w/ GABA receptors causing Cl influx
= Resp/ depress/, HypoBP N/V, amnesia
Diazepam / Vallium) Indications:
= Tcardia from stimulant OD, Sustained seizures, Anxiety, Sedation
= Known hypersensitivity to med
Diazepam / Vallium) Antidote:
Adult Dose:
= Flumazenil 0.2mg IV
= 2.5-10 mg in 2.5 mg increments slow IV/IO/IM
EPI 1:1)Broncho constriction) Adult Dose:
Pedi Dose:
=0.3mg up to 0.5mg IM
=0.01mg/kg IM w/ max dose 0.3mgIM
EPI 1:1) class:
Adverse effects:
=potent A & B agonist
=bronchospasms, anaphylaxis
=worsen ischemia & heart probs, Jitters
Etomidate / Amidate) Classification:
= Nonbarbiturate non-benzodiazepine sedative
= sedative
Etomidate / Amidate) Indications:
Adverse Effects:
= RSI induction agent
= Suppresses cortisol, not good for head-injured PTs long term
= Decreases ICP, Ca-Channel Blockers can prolong resp/ depress/, Myoclonic jerks, Laryngospasm
Etomidate / Amidate) Adult) RSI Induction:
= 0.2-0.4 mg/kg IV/IO
= 30secs
= 5-10mins
Ipratropium/ Atrovent) Contraindications:
Adverse Effects:
= Known hypersensitivity
= Blurred vision, Dry mouth, Dilated pupils, Cough, Confusion
Ipratropium/ Atrovent) Pharmacodynamics:
= Anticholinergic; Selectively blocks muscarinic receptors
= Bronchospasm associated w/ obstructive lung diseases (asthma, COPD)
Ipratropium/ Atrovent):
Adverse effects:
= Anticholinergic, selectively blocks M receptors, goes w/ albuterol
=bronchospasm w/ obstructive lung diseases
=dry lungs out, dry mouth, confusion
Ipratropium/ Atrovent) route
Adult Dose:
Pediatric Dose:
= w/ SVN albuterol
= 500 mcg/2.5 mL
=250-500mcg/1.25-2.5 m