AIL (Add-ons) Flashcards
What is assessment in education?
Assessment is an integral part of teaching.
What is classroom assessment?
A systematic process of determining how much and how well students are learning.
What is the first principle of educational assessment?
Valid: The assessment aligns with the learning outcomes.
What is the second principle of educational assessment?
Reliable: Assessment evidence is consistent and generates outcomes that would be replicated when the assessment is repeated.
What is the third principle of educational assessment?
Authentic: All the work done and submitted is the learner’s own and based on real-life scenarios/activities.
What is the fourth principle of educational assessment?
Current: Assessment evidence is up-to-date.
What is the fifth principle of educational assessment?
Sufficient: Enough work is available to justify the credit value and to enable a consistent and reliable judgment about the learner’s achievement.
What is the sixth principle of educational assessment?
Comparable: All assessment evidence is comparable in standard between assessments within a unit/qualification, and between learners of the same level.
What is the seventh principle of educational assessment?
Manageable: All assessment places reasonable demands on all learners.
What is the eighth principle of educational assessment?
Fair and Minimize Bias: Assessments are fair to all learners irrespective of their characteristics (for example, age, gender, etc).
What are the types of educational assessment?
• Diagnostic Assessment (Before)
• Formative Assessment (During)
• Summative Assessment (After)
What is Assessment FOR Learning?
Ongoing assessment that is formative.
What is Assessment OF Learning?
Conducted at defined key points and is summative.
What is Assessment AS Learning?
A sub-category of formative assessment focused on developing metacognitive skills.
What does DepEd Order No. 8, s. 2015 outline?
It outlines Formative Assessment and Summative Assessment.