Agars and other selective tests Flashcards
Tellurite agar
High salt media
Staphylococcus aureus
golden colonies
Coagulase +
ASO test
steptolysin O antibodies
Dieterle stain (silver impregnation)
Legionella pneumophila
BCYE agar
Legionella pneumophila
cysteine, ferric iron and low pH
PPD test
Mycobacterium tuberculosis
+= individual has been infected or vaccinated
-=indvidual never exposed, not developed hypersensitivity,
lost reaction due to immunosuppression or disappereance of antigen
Quantiferon-TB gold test
Mycobacterium tuberculosis measures IFn-gamma production not affected by prior vaccination Can detect latent infection Can't detect if disease is active
Immunofluorescence and ELISA
or DNA tests
Chlamydia trachomatis
Thayer Martin Agar
Neisserria gonorrhoeae
Dark field microscopy
Treponema pallidum
ELISA confirm with Western
Borrelia burgdoferi
alpha hemolysis
sterptococcus pneumonia
Red colonies on MacConkey
E. Coli ferment lactose