Africa (1000-1980 CE) Flashcards
Conical tower and circular wall IDs
Shona people
Coursed granite blocks
Conical tower and circular wall
Trade center
Walls not meant for protection (not much threat)
Built to hold a ton of people
Ornamental stonework
Great enclosures, narrow passageways
Living structures
Great Mosque of Djenné
Center of cultural and religious life
Community event to join together and repair it
Hypostyle hall
Qibla wall facing Mecca
Built on a platform to prevenet flooding
Cone-shaped bricks (fit into each other)
Wash feet before praying
Near a market
Great Mosque of Djenné IDs
1200 CE
Wall plaque
Bronze bracelets (result of slave trade with Portugal)
Shows lineage of the kings but the Europeans messed everything up
“Lost wax method” (clay molds with wax, brass melts wax)
Hierarchy of scale
Heads are huge (smartness)
Administrators fanning the Oba (king)
Oba (wearing special coral from the realm of the sea, where the economic prosperity is from)
Adorned palace wall
Wall plaque IDs
16th century
Cast brass
Sika dwa kofi
Sacred symbol of strength
Hidden away to protect it from being stolen
Created an entire war to keep it away from British
Royal and divine throne
Descended from the sky
Bells are meant to warn the king of impending danger
Symbolic of a chief’s leadership
Replicas have been produced
Ceremonially blackened with animal blood at their funeral as a symbol of their power for generations
Sika dwa kofi IDs
Ashanti people
1700 CE
Gold over wood
Shows lineage of the kings, all seated in the same position with objects of power
Ensure that the current king has access to the power of the previous kings
Closed eyes, flat headdress, knife in left hand, drum in right hand, jewelry
Incised hair
Knife, ebol (drum that is different for every sculpture), and headdress symbolize kingship
Commissioned by king
Ndop IDs
Kuba people
1760-1780 CE
Power figure
Stomach compartment holds special magical substances (apotropaic)
Physical represenation of all the solved arguments and stuff in the village
Memorized by a priest
Chief hats (authority)
Bilongo (metal stick that’s stabbed into the guy that activates inner spirit, gives permission to the spirit to punish the offending party))
Maintains social order
Spirit hunter (hunts wrong-doers)
Spirit will vacate figure if priest doesn’t pay attention
Power figure IDs
Kongo people
Late 19th century
Wood and metal
Idealized true double of the person it represents
Commissioned by a man (with permission from the woman so her spirit isn’t floating around)
Stylized and idealized
Used for entertainment
Harmonious and balanced
Represents an important female relative
Spirit double
Retires once the woman dies
Heavy eyelids and downcast eyes (reflects a woman’s respectful presence in the world)
Used in a dance (dancers would study the gestures and movements of the woman)
Combines values (female youth and wisdom)
Mblo IDs
Baule people
Late 19th to early 20th century
Wood and pigment
Female mask
Used in male initiation ceremonies to teach young men how to treat women
Represents the founding mother of the tribe
When danced with the founding father, they bring prosperity and fertility
The man wearing the mask marries her
Large forehead, round closed eyes, slender nose, small mouth, concave chin, red cheeks
Represents ideal woman (beautiful, young, and ready for marriage)
Tear drops (represent the sadness of being separated from her sons at the ceremony)
Pwo (found mother of DRC)
Female mask IDs
Chokwe people
Late 19th to early 20th century
Wood, fiber, pigment, and metal
Bundu mask
Fellowship of women who prepare young girls for adulthood, marriage, and the roles of a woman
Ideal woman
Palm oil (shiny)
Sowo (water spirit)
Neck folds (wealth), small nose, brows (success, happiness, and self-confidence), eyes (reveal true feelings, sexual)
Bundu mask IDs
Mende people
19th to 20th century
Wood, cloth, and fiber
Commissioned before a man’s wedding as a shrine to him and his success
He has to offer gifts or he’ll get bad luck
Either naturalistic, abstract, or both
Mediates between the spiritual and physical realms to protect him
Size is based on success of the man
Right hand (agents of strength, carry a knife or something)
Left hand (carries a symbol of achievement, like a severed head)
Buried with the man after death
Ikenga IDs
Igbo people
19th to 20th century
Beads tell information
Need religious training in order to read it
Looks like a turtle shell
Shows different stories/aspect of the culture
Lukasa IDs
Luba people
19th to 20th century
Wood, beads, and metal
Aka elephant mask
Represents power and strengh
Worn at ceremonies/rituals (such as funerals and annual festivals)
The chief of the tribe has powers that can turn him into an animal
He’s responsible for protecting his people, dispensing supreme justice, and ensuring fertility of the crops and fields
Mens societies (closed to public, linked to palace and King)
Aka elephant mask IDs
Bamileke people
19th to 20th century
Wood, rafa, cloth, and beads
Reliquary figure
Idealized male (big heads and muscley bodies)
Symmetrical (represents cultural belief in the balance of opposites)
Guardian of the container that holds parts of a dead person
Used in initiation ceremonies
Talks to children
Sculptures are dancing puppets during funerals
Brought with during the mass emigration south
Used by the group of elders as communication devices to the ancestors
Rubbed with palm oil to keep them pure
Reliquary Figure (Nlo bieri) IDs
Fang people
19th to 20th century
Veranda post
Embodies the style (interrelationship of figures, exaggerated proportions, open fingers, extravagant)
King is focal point (but portrayal suggests dependence on others)
Queen posed with her hands on the throne (she places the crown on his head during his coronation, protects the kings interest during his reign
Veranda post IDs
Olowe of Ise
Yoruba people
1910-1914 CE
Wood and pigment