Aetiology Pathogenesis Flashcards
What is Aetiology ?
Cause of a disease
What is Pathogenesis?
Mechanisms causing the disease
What is Pathological and clinical manifestations
Structural and functional features, symptoms, signs
What is Complications
Secondary effect
What is Prognosis
Outcome of a disease
What is Epidemiology
The incidence, prevalence and population distribution of a disease
What does Genetic Aetiology disease mean
- inherited
- Acquired (during conception or embryogenesis, or during post-natal life)
What are examples of Environmental Aetiology disease
- infectious agents: bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasite
- Chemicals
- Physical: radiation, mechanical trauma
What are the 3 types of Aetiology?
- Genetic
- Environmental
- Multifactorial
What is Multifactorial aetiology?
- Diseases due to a combination of causes
- Proportionate risk of disease due to genetic or environmental factors
What is unknown aetiology classified as?
- idiopathic, primary, essential, spontaneous, cryptogenic
What are risk factor (aetiology)
- The aetiology of a disease is unknown, but the disease is observed in people with certain habits such as smoking, age, or occupations
What is pathogenesis of a disease?
- The mechanism through which the aetiology (cause) operates to produce the pathological and clinical manifestations
Name 3 examples of Pathogensis
- Inflammation
- Degeneration
- Carcinogenesis
What is inflammation
- A RESPONSE to many micro-organisms and other harmful agents causing TISSUE INJURY
What is degeneration
A deterioration of cells or tissues in response to, or failure of adaptation to, a variety of agents
What is Carcinogenesis
The mechanism by which cancer-causing agents result in the development of tumours
What are symptoms?
What the patient suffers or patients complaints
Name some common and specific symptoms
-common: pain, fever, nausea
- specific: diarrhoea or constipation, skin rash
What are signs of diseases?
- What the doctor is looking e.g. body temperature, blood pressure
What is Syndrome?
- An aggregate of signs and symptoms or a combination of lesions without which the disease cannot be recognised or diagnosed
What are Lesions?
- The structural or functional abnormality responsible for the ill health
- e.g. Myocardial infraction, the infract or patch of dead heart muscle is the lesion
What are complications?
- The prolonged, secondary or distant effects of a disease
What is Progenosis?
- The anticipated outcome (forecasting the known or likely course) of a disease
What is the purpose of Prognosis
To plan appropriate treatment and to give useful information to individual patients
What influences the prognosis of a certain disease?
Influenced by medical or surgical intervention
What is Epidemiology?
- Disease or pathology of the populations
- Determination of causes, incidence, mortality, characteristic behaviour of disease outbreaks affecting human populations
What is the morbidity of a disease?
- The disease state of an individual, or the incidence of illness in a population - The proportion of patients with a particular disease during a given year per given unit of population
What is the Mortality of a disease?
- The probability that death will be the end result of that disease
How is mortality expressed?
Usually as a percentage of all the patients presenting with the disease
What is Prevalence of a disease?
The total number of cases of a given disease in a specified population at a designated time
What is Prevalence different from morbidity?
refers to the number of new cases in the population at a given time
Explain the Aetiology, pathogenesis, disease (structural and functional damage) and complications of lung cancer
- aetiology = smoking
- Pathogenesis = genetic alteration (mutation)
- Disease (structural and functional damage) = lung tumour
- Complication = Metastases (secondary tumours)
Explain the Aetiology, pathogenesis, disease (structural and functional damage) and complications of hypertension
- Aetiology = unclear
- Pathogenesis = Increased renin production from kidneys
- Disease = High blood pressure
- Complication = Cerebral haemorrhage
What are the 3 concepts of Epidemiology?
- Morbidity, mortality, prevalence