AEP Annual Quizz KA JUN 2015 Flashcards
What are the 3 situations when the Cabin Crew can OPEN a Door?
After a Captain Explicit authorization
In case of Abnormal situations
If the Station in Unmanned.
When can a Cabin Crew CLOSE the Door?
Only if an external platform is located outside the Aircraft.
What are the 5 characteristics of a BCF Extinguisher?
It can be used on ALL class of Fire
There are 2 types in the Aircraft
1 in the cockpit (Pull Pin Type)
4 in the Cabin (Push Catch Type) on A320 / 32M
8 in the Cabin (Push Catch Type) on A321
(Memo: In the cabin = number of Big Doors).
What are the 5 cases Scenario when the Cabin Crew Can Initiate an Evacuation?
In case of one of the following abnormal situations:
Ditching situation
Dense Smoke in the cabin
Fire in the cabin
Explosion in the cabin
Fuselage Separation.
Are the Cabin Crew allowed to Start an evacuation by themselves?
The Cabin Crew are NOT Allowed to Initiate an evacuation procedure until communication with the cockpit is established.
UNLESS it’s part of the 5 cases scenario of abnormal situations.
How to use the BCF Extinguisher present in the Cockpit?
Pull the Pin
Depress the button on the handle
Stand at 6 to 8 feet away from the fire source.
(Breathing Protection is Mandatory with BCF Extinguishers)
What is the minimum number of cabin crew on an A321?
The minimum number of cabin crew on an A321 is “4”
One Crew per Exit Door on one side of the Aircraft
(Can attend 2 opposite doors at the same time).
How to stop an OLD Generation ELT v/s a NEW Generation ELT?
The OLD ELT need to be placed Upside Down
The NEW ELT have a switch at the bottom.
What is the minimum set of Crew Members while the Refueling is In Progress WITH passengers on board?
The minimum crew is composed of:
1 cockpit crew in the flight deck
4 cabin crew in the cabin.
What’s the relation between:
Refueling, Aircraft Doors and Seat Belts?
When the refueling is in progress:
ALL doors must be disarmed
When the refueling is completed:
The Seat Belts are switch to ON.
What are the EXIT Doors type where the slides CANNOT be released?
Exit Type C and 3.
What are the doors usable for Ditching on a A321?
ALL DOORS can be used for Ditching on a A321.
Are the Explosive Fire Crackers authorized in Hong Kong and / or can they transit through Hong Kong?
Explosive Fire Crackers are NOT allowed in Hong Kong
AND they CAN transit through Hong Kong.
What the CAO Label Means when put on a parcel?
It Means Cargo Aircraft Only.
Does the Captain need to sign the NOTOC?
The Captain MUST Sign the NOTOC presented to him.
What action should be taken when a medication is used onboard?
If the Medication used originated from the Doctor suitcase:
We need to send a message to MEDLINK via ACARS
(This does NOT apply for General Medicine such as Panadol which does not come from the doctor suitcase).
What are the 3 criteria needed to be checked before using a Cockpit BCF Extinguisher?
The Yellow pointer is in the Green Area
The Pin is in place
The Safety String is in place.
Give 3 criteria about PBE in the Cockpit?
They have an autonomy of 15 min
One is placed behind the F/O Seat
They need to be in their original packaging and sealed
(Can be verified by a GREEN Bar on the Box).
What are the elements required for a Fire?
There are 3 basic elements
Heat / Oxygen / Fuel
(Remove one and the fire is Out).
What are the different class of Fire and their Related Method to be extinguished?
There are 3 different classes:
A - Solid (ALL Extinguishers will work just fine)
B - Liquid - Chemical (All BUT Water Based Extinguisher)
C - Electrical (All BUT Water Based Extinguisher).
In case of Ditching do we need to Arm the Slides?
In case of Ditching ALL slides need to be Armed
ONLY Exit C on A321 need to be Disarmed After Ditching.
What happens in the cockpit in case of Smoke in the Toilets?
Master Warning will be heard (Red Flashing) with CRC (Continuous repetitive Chime)
“Lavatory Smoke” will be Displayed on the ECAM.
What are the Door Types on A320?
I —— (III) — (III) —— I
I —— (III) — (III) —— I.
What are the Door Types on A321?
I —— C — C —— I
I —— C — C —— I
Ps: ALL Doors can be used for Ditching
With Type C Slides Must Be Disarmed AFTER Ditching.
What are the differences between Doors Type regarding the Emergency Exit?
Type 1 is Used for Normal and Emergency Exit (Normal Doors Front and Back A320/21)
Type C is Used for Emergency Exit ONLY (Normal Doors Middle A321)
Type 3 is Used for Emergency Exit ONLY (Small Doors Middle A320).
What are the differences between Doors Type regarding the Slides Types and Capabilities?
Type 1 The Slides are Single Lane Slide Only (It’s Not a Flotation Device, Only can be used as Flotation Aid)
Type C The Slides are Single Lane Slide Only (Remain with the A/C)
Type 3 The Slides are Ramp-Slide Only (Remain with the A/C).
What are the differences between Doors Type regarding the Inflation Handle?
Type 1 For Inflation it’s a RED Handle on the Bottom Right Corner of the Door Frame
Type C For Inflation it’s a RED Handle on the Upper Right Hand Corner of the Door Frame protected by a Plastic Cover
Type 3 For Inflation it’s a RED Handle on the Upper Right or Left Hand Corner IN the Door Frame Next to the Exit Sign.
What are the differences between Doors Types regarding the Slides Disconnection from the Cabin?
Type 1 The Slide Disconnection Handle is White and Connected to the Gut (Metallic Bar)
Type C The Slide CANNOT be released from the Cabin
Type 3 The Slide CANNOT be released from the Cabin.
What are the differences between Doors Type regarding the Slides Inflation Time?
Type 1 They are Fully Inflated in 3 Sec
Type C They are Fully Inflated in 3 Sec
Type 3 They are Fully Inflated in 4 Sec.
What are the differences between Doors Types regarding the Slides Container Location?
Type 1 The Slides container is on the Door
Type C The Slides container is Under the Doors in the Cargo Bay
Type 3 The Slides container is in the Fuselage AFT of the Exit.
Where is the Pressure Cylinder located on Type C Door?
The pressure cylinder for a Type C Door is in the overhead locker above the door.
What happen if in the Cabin either of the Covers of a Type 3 Exit are removed?
If either covers are removed a white light comes on Below the Exit Signage between doors.
What will happen if someone try to open a Type 1 Door from Outside and the Slides are Still Armed?
If Slides are still armed a Steady White Light will illuminate on the panel behind the Window if the door lever is moved half way
If the door lever is moved all the way, Opening the door from outside will Automatically Disarm the Slides.
What will happen if someone try to open a Type 1 Door from Outside and the Cabin is still pressurized?
If the Cabin still have residual pressure a Flashing Red Light will illuminate on the panel behind the Window if the door lever is moved.
What’s specific with Type C Doors and Ditching Procedures?
In case of Ditching the Cabin Crew will Disarm the Slides of Type C Doors AFTER a Ditching and BEFORE Opening the doors.
What’s required in case of Evacuation?
For evacuation you must have:
A Verbal Confirmation and a Warning Sound
IE: ‘Evacuate, Evacuate’ + Evacuation Horn.
What are the 6 possible CABIN EMERGENCY COMMUNICATION messages from the Cockpit?
In order of Urgency from Low to High
- Cabin Crew Resume Duties. (Cancel Previous Instructions)
- Attention! Purser to Cockpit! (In Case of Incapacitation)
- Attention! Emergency Descent! (In Case of Emergency Descent Started)
- Attention! Cabin Crew At Stations! (Emergency Stop or 2000 Ft)
- Brace! Brace!, If PA U/S Cycle the Seat Belts 6 Times (at 500 Ft)
- Evacuate! Evacuate! (On Ground or Ditching).
What are the 4 Steps Required to properly put the Oxygen Mask on the your Face?
In this order:
Set Oxy to 100%
Squeeze the Red Toggle
Put on the Face
Release the Red Toggle.
How long the Emergency light last once on their own batteries?
Emergency Lights will last for 10 min.
What does “Attention Emergency Descent” call mean to the Cabin Crew?
It means the Cabin Crew:
Must be at their seats
And be prepare for a Possible Emergency Descent procedure.
What are the required communications from the cockpit Before an Abnormal Landing?
Attention! Cabin Crew At Stations! (Passing 2000 Ft)
Brace! Brace! (Passing 500 Ft)
Cycle the Seat Belts 6 Times.
After an Emergency Evacuation Signal the Captain shut the horn in the cockpit.
When will it stop in the Cabin?
The Emergency Evacuation Horn will Stop in the Cabin when:
The SP Press her own button on the her Control Panel.
How to fit the PBE (Personal Breithing Equipment)
on your head?
Always Pull the Rubber Seal at the front putting your 2 Thumbs on the Marks
Always Start to fit it from Back to Front to activate the Oxygen Pallet.
What are the Slide’s Type
Differences for BHTJ / TK A321?
The differences are only for Type 1 Doors:
The Slides are “Dual Lanes Slide-Rafts”
Every Thing Else is Indentical to the rest of the fleet.
On a type 3 Exit what action will deploy the slides automatically?
The removal of the hatch on either side of the Exit
On what Kind of Fire
“Non-Flammable “ Liquids are used?
They will be used for Type A (Solid) Fires ONLY.