Aeneid Paragraph 7 Flashcards
illi indignantes magno cum murmure montis
circum claustra fremunt : celsa sedet Aelous arce
scepta tenens mollitque animos et temperat iras
They protesting with a loud rumble of the mountain
howl around the bars: Aeolus sits in his lofty citadel
holding his sceptre, and soothes their spirits and moderates their rages
Personification - “ illi indignantes “ - Personifies the winds to highlight their power.
Alliteration of “ m “ - rumbling sound
Harsh Sounds - “ circum claustra “ - Restraining them …
Semantic field of noise - “ fremunt “ - howl
Repetition of similar ideas to show how hard Aelous is working - “ mollitque animos “ and “ temperat iras “
ni faciat , maria ac terras caelumque profundum
quippe ferant rapidi secum verrantque per auras ;
If he were not to do this , the violent winds would surely carry off with them
the seas and lands and boundless sky and sweep them along through the air
Tricolon - “ Maria “ , “ terras “ and “ caelumque “ - emphasis on what will happen.
” Maria “ and “ terras “ - both in the plural - absolutely everything
Line 2 is dactylic - increasing the speed of the line to reflect the winds.
” quippe “ - power , certainty
” ferant , “ and “ verrantque “ - swift motion verbs
sed pater omnipotens speluncis abididit atris
hoc meteuens molemque et montis insuper altos
But the all-powerful father has hidden them away in dark caves
fearing this , and has put a mass and high mountains
” speluncis “ and “ atris “ enclosing word order - hiding them in dark caves
repetition of “ m “
imposuit , regemque dedit qui foedere certo
et premere et laxas sciate dare iussus habenas
on top, and has given them a king who may know by a fixed charter
how both to hold them down and to loosen their reigns when ordered.
” imposuit “ - enjambment , delayed to show effort of putting it on top
” regemque “ and “ foedere certo “ - formal language , official
Polysyndeton of “ que “ , “ et “ , “ et “ - showing extent of Aelouses power.