Aeneid Paragraph 4 Flashcards
Vix e conspectu Siculae telluris in altum
vela dabant laeti et spumas salis aere ruebant ,
Scarcely out of sight of Sicilian Land they were happily setting sail
onto the deep and were churning the foam of the sea with bronze
Vix e conspectu - literally just out of sight of Juno on line 36
Laeti - Contrast to Juno’s anger
Sibilance - “ spumas salis “ - sound of the sea
” aere “ - visual
cum Luno aeternum servans sub pectore vulnus ,
haec secum : ‘ mene incesto desistere victam
When Juno, preserving her everlasting wound beneath her breast ,
said this to herself : ‘ Am I to abandon my plan , defeated,
” Servans “ - literally preserving the wound
” aeternum “ and “ vulnus “ are split up to show how long it is
” Sub pectore “ - not going anywhere
” mene “ - Emphatic placement , its all about her and the insult to her
“victim “ - Angry - wants there to be a winner
nec posse Italia Teucrorum avertere regem!
quip vetor fatis . Pallasne exurere classem
and be unable to turn away the king of the Trojans from Italy!
Of course I am forbidden by the Fates. Was Pallas able to destroy by fire
” Regem “ - Priam
” Quippe “ sarcastic
Caesura at Full stop on Line 39 to place emphasis on earlier point.
” Exurere “ - Promoted + Violent - Later placing emphasis on “ submergere “ showing Jealousy on Athena being able to destroy a whole fleet
Argivum atque ipsos potuit submergere ponto
unius ob noxam et furias Aiacis Oilei?
the greek fleet and submerge the greeks themselves under the sea,
because of the guilt of one man and the frenzied lust of Ajax , son of Oileus
” submergere “ promoted by “ exurere “ earlier
Emphatic placement of “ unius “ , showing jealousy.