AED - Corneal Degenerations and Deposits - Week 10 Flashcards
Are corneal degenerations typically familial or non-familial? Are they early or late-onset?
Usually late onset
Are corneal degenerations symmetrical or asymmetrical? Are they uni- or bilateral? Do they occur centrally or peripherally?
Asymmetric, unilateral, and can be central or peripheral
Define corneal degeneration and note what it is characterised by (3).
Changes to the corneal tissue due to inflammation, age, or systemic disease
Characterised by a deposition of material, thinning of the tissue, or vascularisation
What is band keratopathy, what is it composed of, how does it appear, what colour and in what region (3)?
A band of grey/white deposits in the sub-epithelial region, bowmans layer, and/or the anterior stroma
List three general causes of band keratopathy and note hich one is rare.
List three ocular conditions that can result in band keratopathy. Are they common?
Chronic ocular inflammation
Silicone oil in the eye after ocular surgery
Longstanding glaucoma
List three metabolic conditions that can cause band keratopathy. Are they common?
Chronic renal failure
List 3 symptoms of band keratopathy.
May develop surface irritation
Blurred vision
List a sign of band keratopathy.
Grey/white opacities in the anterior cornea
Do symptoms of band keratopathy arise immediately?
Is asymptomatic initially
Where on the cornea is band keratopathy opacities generally confined to? Are there any clear areas?
Interpalpebral area - clear zone at the limbus
What may opacities of band keratopathy contain and what may these possibly be? Explain these structures.
May contain holes, possibly nerve endings
They become elevated and nodular.
Is it easy or difficult to mistake band keratopathy?
What is the treatment for mild band keratopathy (2)?
Artificial tears or bandage contact lenses for comfort it necessary and vision is unaffected
Identify the underlying cause and treat if able or refer
What is the treatment for band keratopathy with poor comfort and affected vision (4)?
Referral needed
- chelating agent after removing epithelium to manually remove calcium
- superficial (manual) or phototherapeutic keratectomy
What counsel may need to be given to band keratopathy patients?
Counselled that it is likely to recur if the underlying cause remains
Describe phototherapeutic keratectomy for treating band keratopathy. Explain its advantage over manual superficial keratectomy.
Laser thechnique to remove the corneal epithelium
Designed to minimise tissue removal and reduce surgical trauma
Is salzmanns nodular degeneration common or rare? Is it inflammatory? Does it progress quickly?
Rare, non-inflammatory, and slow progression
Is salzmanns nodular degeneration typically uni- or bilateral?
Usually bilateral, but can be unilateral
In what age and gender is salzmanns nodular degeneration most common?
Middle-aged women
Describe what salzmanns nodular degeneration looks like, including texture, colour (2), flatness, and composition. What is it sometimes described as?
Smooth, blue/white, elevated nodules sometimes described as avascular pannus
Made of fibrocellular material
Describe in detail the composition of salzmanns nodular degeneration, and between what two layers it occurs.
Irregularly arranged collagen fibrils with hyalinisation between the epithelium and bowmans layer
List three conditions associated with salzmanns nodular degeneration. What do these three have in common?
Associated with chronic keratopathy
- vernal keratoconjunctivitis
- trachoma
- interstitial keratitis
List 5 symptoms of salzmanns nodular degeneration.
Surface discomfort FB sensation Increased lacrimation Photophobia Blurred vision
Is salzmanns nodular degneration always symptomatic?
No, can be asymptomatic
What happens to the epithelium overlying a nodule in in salzmanns nodular degeneration?
What colour are the nodules in salzmanns nodular degeneration? Are they single or multiple lesions? Are they raised or flat? Where on the cornea can they be found?
Single or multiple grey-white elevated lesions found anywhere on the cornea
What can sometimes be found at the base of nodules in salzmanns nodular degeneration?
Possible iron deposits
List three differential diagnoses for salzmanns nodular degneration.
Band keratopathy
Spheroidal degeneration
List two treatment options for salzmanns nodular degeneration.
Usually tear supplements for comfort
Ocassional manual removal, or PTK, or at worst a lamellar or penetrating graft
Can salzmanns nodular degeneration recur with removal of the nodules?
May recur
Is terriens marginal degneration common or rare?
Is terriens marginal degneration uni- or bilateral? Does it cause pain? Does it progress fast or slow?
Bilateral (can be unilateral), painless, and slowly progressive
What is terriens marginal degneration? What is its aetiology? What age and gender does it most commonly affect?
Progressive thinning of the peripheral corneal stroma
Unknown aetiology
Most commonly affects older males
List three symptoms of terriens marginal degneration. Explain what happens initially (3).
No pain
No redness
No photophobia
Initially asymptomatic with periodic irritation, then decreasing vision
What occurs as a result of corneal thinning in terriens marginal degneration?
Irregular astigmatism
What can generally be seen with terriens marginal degneration (colour, composition, and transparency) and where does it usually begin? What eventually happens?
Fine white punctate stromal lipid opacities, usually beginning superiorly
Coalesces and progresses to mild superficial vascularisation (pseudopterygium)
How does the thinning pattern of terriens marginal degneration progress?
In a circumferential pattern
Is the overlying epithelium intact in terriens marginal degneration?
Is there a clear zone in terriens marginal degneration (aside from the central cornea)? What can often be found on the leading edge?
Separated from the limbus by a clear zone
Leading edge often has yellow lipid deposits
What does terriens marginal degneration ultimately result in?
A peripheral corneal gutter, with the cliff end facing the central cornea
What is there a higher risk of with terriens marginal degneration?
Perofration potential
What magnitude of astigmatic changes can terriens marginal degneration cause?
> 10D
List three differential diagnoses for terriens marginal degneration.
Pellucid marginal degeneration
Other peripheral ulcerations
List 4 treatment options for terriens marginal degneration.
Corneal topography
Astigmatic correction
Keratoplasty for poor vision
Is spheroidal degeneration common or rare?
Is spheroidal degeneration uni- or bilateral?
Can be either
What kind of people does spheroidal degeneration generally affect?
People who work outdoors (high UV, extreme temperature, dry environment etc)
Which gender does spheroidal degeneration affect more?
What is the primary form of spheroidal degeneration? Are there any other forms?
Primary form affects the cornea (corneal form)
Can also affect the conjunctiva
What associated structure may be present with spheroidal degeneration?