AE- muscles Flashcards
origin and insertion, action and innervation of
abductor digiti minimi muscle
origin- (1st layer) medial and lateral process of calcaneal tuberosity
inserts- lateral base of proximal phalanax of 5th toe
action- abducts and plantarflexes 5th toe at the metatarsophalangeal joint.
lateral plantar nerve
how do you palpate and test abductor digiti minimi muscle
2 fingers plantar surface, lateral to 5th met shaft, ask patient to flex against resistance
extensor digitorum brevis
origin- anterior-lateral dorsal calcaneus (anterior to the sinus tarsi)
inserts- dorsal base of proximal phalanx of hallux (EHB) and lateral side of 2-4 dorsal digital expansions
action- extension of 1-4 toes
innervation- deep fibular nerve
abductor hallucis muscle
origin- (1st layer) medial process of calcaneal tuberosity and adjoining plantar fascia
insert- medial based proximal phalanx of hallux
action- abduction and plantarflexion of hallux
innervation- medial plantar nerve
flexor digitorum brevis
origin-(1st layer) medial process calcaneal tuberosity and adjoining plantar fascia
insertion- plantar shaft of middle phalanx of toes 2-5
action- plantar flexion proximal interphalangeal joint of toes 2-5
innervation- medial plantar nerve
quadratus plantae muscle
origin- (2nd layer) medial/lateral plantar calcaneus both anterior to tuberosity (2 heads)
insert- Flexor digitorum longus tendon, proximal to the division into 4 tendons
action- straightens line of pull for FDL
innervation- lateral plantar nerve
lumbricals (2nd layer)
origin- 1st lumbrical medial side of FDL tendon to 2nd toe then 2-4 lumbricals medial and lateral sides of FDL tendons
insert- medial side of 2-5 dorsal digital expansions
action- plantarflexion 2-5 MPJ and extension 2-5 IPJ
innervation- 1st lumbrical- medial plantar nerve
2-4-lateral plantar nerve
flexor digiti minimi brevis muscle
origin- (3rd layer) plantar base 5th met and fibularis longus tendon
insert- plantar lateral base of proximal phalanx of 5th toe
action- flexion and abduction of 5th toe at MPJ
innervation- lateral plantar
plantar interossei muscles
origin- (4th layer) base and medial shaft of 3-5 mets
insert- medial base proximal phalanx and dorsal digital expansion toes 3-5
action- adduction of ties 3-5
innervation- lateral plantar
dorsal interossei muscles
origin (4th layer)- from both sides of proximal shaft of each intermetatarsal space
insert- dorsal digital expansion of 2-4 toes
action- abduction of toes 2-4
innervation - lateral plantar
tibialis anterior muscle
origin- proximal 2/3 lateral tibia and interosseous membrane
insert-medial and plantar surfaace of the medial cuneiform and 1st met base
action- dorsiflex and invert foot
inn- deep fibular nerve
extensor hallucis longus
origin- middle 1/3 medial fibula and adjoining interosseous membrane
insert- dorsal base of distal phalanx of hallux
action- extend IPJ of hallux and 1st MTPJ, dorsiflex and invert foot
inn- deep fibular
extensor digitorum longus
origin- proximal 2/3 medial fibula and lateral tibial condyle
insert- tendons become dorsal digital expansion and insert into the dorsal middle/distal phalanx of 2-5 toes
action- extend 2-5 toes at proximal and distal ipj and mpj, dorsiflex and evert foot
inn-deep fib
fibularis tertius
origin- distal 1/3 medial fibula and interosseous membrane
insert-dorsal base and proximal shaft of 5th met
action- dorsiflex and evert foot
inn- deep fib
fibularis longus
origin- proximal 2/3 lateral fibula
insert- plantar medial cuneiform and 2st metatarsal base
action- evert and plantarflex foot
inn- superficial fib
fibularis brevis
origin- dista 2/3 lateral fibula
insert- lateral styloid process
action- evert and plantar flex foot
inn-superifical fib
origin- medial head: posterior surface of medial condyle of femur, lat head: lateral surface of lateral condyle of femur
insert- forms part of achilles tendon which inserts into mid 1/3 posterior calcaneus
action- plantar flex foot and flex knee
inn- tibial
origin- proximal 1/3 posterior fibula, tendinous arch, soleal line and middle 1/3 medial tibia
insert- forms part of achilles tendon, inserts mid 1/3 posterior calcaneus
action-plantar flex foot
inn- tibial n
origin- lateral surface of lateral femoral condyle
insert- superior to soleal line on posterior tibia
action- rotate femur on tibia and unlock extended knee
inn- tibial
flexor digitorum longus
origin - distal to soleal line and medial to vertical line posterior tibia, middle 2/4ths
inserts- plantar base of distal phalanx 2-5 toes
action- flex 2-5 IPJ and MPJ, plantar flex and invert foot
inn- tibial
tibialis posterior muscle
origin- proximal 2/3 posterior interosseous membrane and posterior surfaces of tibia and fibula
insert- navicular tuberosity, all cuneiforms, cuboid and 2-4 met bases
action- plantarflex and invert foot
inn- tibial
flexor hallucis longus
origin- distal 2/3 posterior fibula and interosseous membrane
insert-plantar base of distal phalanx of hallux
action- flex halluc IPJ and 1st MTPJ, PLANTARFLEX AND INVERT Foot
inn- tibial