adverse ocular reactions to medications Flashcards
- atenolol
used for - htn , migraines, carina arrhythmia
se- dry eye , miotic pupils, reduced top
used for - allergies, inflammation, auto immune disease
SE- PSC, raised iopm papilloedema m keratitis, CSR
high cholesterol
dry eye
antiarthymic - digoxin
cardiac arrhythmia
se- photopisa, R-G colour defect
reduced top
- aspirin, warfarin , rivaroxoban
prevention and reduction of blood clots
subconj hame
retinal harm
anti malarial
hydroxy chloroquine
used for malaria , RA, lupus
- corneal deposits
-vortex keratopathy - bulls eye maculopathy
vf defect
anti anixety
- diazepam
- ## lorazepam
used for anxiety
SE- mydriasis , dry eye , photophobia , int blurred vision
anti depressant
citalopram , fluoxetine , sertraline
depression/anxiety /insomnia
SE mydriasis dry eye , photophobia , blepharospasm
anti histamine
dry eye /reduced accomodation and blurred vision , mydriasis
HRT pills and contraceptive
dry eye
breast cancer
crystalline maculopthay
vortex keratopathy
optic neuritis
enlarged prostate
floppy iris syndrome
u/a thyroid
temporary paralysis of eom
what are the 2 reporting schemes when there is and adverse drug reaction?
- operated by MRHA (medicines and healthcare products regulatory agency)
1) yellow card scheme- covered systemic adverses reactions to ocular medicines and ocular reactions to systemic medications
2) the medical devices reporting form
-covers adverse incidents mainly relating to CL and care products , including CL comfort drops
who can report adv drug reactions?
who is the yellow card scheme rub by?
1) health professionals+ general public
2) the commission on human medicine (CHM) - independent advisory body
3) the medicines and healthcare products regulatory agency (MHRA)
what are the reporting guidelines?
1) all suspected ADR for news meds
( black triangle in BNF - new meds)
- all suspected ADR for established meds
- including unliscenced medicines - herbal remedies , and medicines used off label
- f unsure report anyways
what to report
the siddeffecxts
- info about the ox
name of the drug
your name+adress
how to report
or complete paper yellow card form to post
- yellow cards in back pages of bnf
what advice must be given to px if experiencing adv reaction
- tell px to go to A+E if cannot return here sooner
- tell px what adverse reaction can occur
-inform gp ofd any suspected adv reaction
-do not tell px to stop using meds