5.2.1 CL Flashcards
What are causes of cl complications
o Sleepinginlenses.
o Notfollowingreplacementschedulei.e.,usingdailylensesforaweektosaveoncost.
o Notfollowingcleaninginstructions.
o However, there are also cases of where the lens itself causes harm to patients. Examples
include poor lens fitting, poor choice of material etc.
What are signs if hypoxia
Chronic cornel oedema leading to…
Mucin balls
Limbal hyperamia
- Hazy, blurred vision. Stromal striae, folds, haze
- Changes in Rx - typically slight myopic shift
- Polymegathism
What are microcysts
cysts with distinct margins within the epithelium and is made up of broken-down cellular debris.
- seen reverse illumination
Unless in large amounts asymptomatic no affect to vision
Low dk lense
Management higher dk lense, switch to dailies ; reduce wear time
What are vacuoles
Similar in size to microcysts, also has distinct margins.
- Non-reversed illumination unlike microcysts.
- Occurs with hypoxia and oedema of the cornea.
- Same management as microcysts
What is polymegathism
- The changes in the endothelium can be transient as well as permanent morphologic changes. - Hexagonal, varies in size within endothelial monolayer.
Cause - mechanical friction between the lid wiper portion between the inferior and superior lid palpebral conjunctiva and the anterior surface of the contact lens.
- If insufficient lubrication between these surfaces, the lid epithelium will be exposed
temporarily discontinue wear,
artificial tears and encourage tissue healing with regular drops.
- contact lens with lower coefficient of friction to ensure more comfort and to reduce friction against upper lid
Eg acuvue oasis bioinfmity
Signs:2mm round,well-define peripheral focal infiltrate.
o Positive fluorescein staining(unlikeIKandCLARE).
o Non-sightthreatening/self-limiting.
o Management:
- Will resolve once patient stops wearing lenses.
Advice limited extended wear for 6months.
- However, due to being similar to MK – MUST refer as emergency.
- Hospital may recommend lubricating drops. Sometimes they may give non-
steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to relieve symptoms.
o pain and redness occur from waking up with sleeping in
contact lenses.
o Occurs due to a reaction to the exotoxins or endotoxins from gram negative bacteria
which is made worse by sleeping in lenses.
o Symptoms:moderatepain,irritation,photophobia.
o Signs:lessthan1mminfiltrateinanteriorstroma,canhappeninthemidperipheraland
peripheral cornea.
No staining with fluorescein.
o Non-infectious.
o Management:
- Stopping lens wear
using artificial tears until signs and symptoms have resolved.
- Change type of lenses to daily lenses.
- Advice not to wear them at night anymore.
o Affected patients will be asymptomatic.
Can experience mild to moderate pain, if any
and can be bilateral or unilateral.
o Signs: less than 1mm infiltrate in anterior stroma, no epithelial defect
no staining with fluorescein.
o Associated with contact lens solution, tight fitting lenses and staphylococcal
hypersensitivity (where the lens can harbour gram postive organisms).
o Non-infectious.
o Management:stopwearinglenses
o If toxicity reaction to solution then would changing them on to peroxide
refit daily lenses to prevent use of solution altogether.
o If tight fitting- refitwithlooserlenses
Infiltrative keratitis