Advanced Animal Handling Skills - Feral Cats - 08 Flashcards
Learning Objectives -Differentiate between “stray” cats vs “feral” -Identify common restraint techniques used in TNR (Trap, Neuter, Return) - Recognize that gold standard medicine is difficult in these scenarios
Define what a stray cat is
a cat who has been abandoned or who has become lost. strays can usually be re-socialized & adopted
define what a feral cat is
an unsocialized cat who was born outside & never lived in a home or been away from a home for a long time & became undomesticated
T or F: feral cats are not pet cats & can not be placed up for public adoptions
true - although HEAVILY depends on each situation, can be easier to social kittens below 8 weeks
T or F: all community cats should be spayed/neutered in order to prevent unwanted kittens
what is chemical restraint
CR utilizes drugs like sedatives, tranqs & anesthesia to alter the patient’s mental state, allowing the animal to stay immobolized &/or without pain during procedures
T or F: CR is required for a thorough physical exam & treatments needed for our feral patients
when we have ferals sedated, what does doing ‘everything’ we can look like?
-full physical
-FIV/FeLV testing
-parasite control
how would we administer hands-off sedation with ketamine?
give it PO - when the cat hisses, a dose of ketamine can be given by squirting it into the cat’s open mouth
can hands-off sedation (ketamine) also work in the eyes?
how is ketamine absorbed
through the mucous membranes causing a sedative effects
T or F: there’s varying success with the hands-off ketamine sedation method
true - katemine tastes horrible, causes drooling, further angering the patient
T or F: it’s difficult to calculate dosages for hands-off gabapentin sedation
true - no record of weight makes dosaging difficult
T or F: gabapentin is difficult to overdose on
T or F: in feral colonies it becomes impossible to dose a specific patient
what does hands-off gabapentin sedation do in our feral patients
functions to take the edge off, patient will still need further sedation for hands-on exams & treatments