Adult development Flashcards
What are the stages in Schaie’s theory of cognitive development?
Acquisitive stage: Child hood and adolescence
information and skill learning for their own sake
Achieving stage: Late teens -> early 20/30s
use what they know to become competent and independent
Responsible stage: Late 30
Now that you are competent and important you have to deal with harder stuff
Executive stage: 30/40 -> middle age
this stage is not a certanty but can happen if you become responsiple for your social systems
Reintegrative stage (late adulthood)
take a step back and look at your life, devoting energy to tasks you find fufilling
How does memory hold up to aging?
Episodic memory:
one of the first to show signs of age related decline
Semantic memory:
Older adults preform equal to younger
Procedural memory: relatively unaffected
Prospective memory: older adults preform better than younger
Explain the paradox of functionality in adulthood
competence in cognitively demanding activities despite documented decline in various areas
well established brain surgeon but has a hard time tying their shoes and learning new languages
What is compensation?
mechanisms through which an individual may continue to preform difficult/ complex skills despite some loss in relevant abilities
Investing more time and effort
selection and optimization
adjust goals and criteria
Erikson describes three distinct stages of adulthood, which?
Intimacy vs isolation
Generativity vs stagnation
Integrity vs despair
Socioemotional selectivity theory says what?
people strategically and adaptively cultivate their social networks to maximize social and emotional gains and minimize risk
Convoys of social relationship theory says what?`
And what is one of these convoys?
social support -> individual wellbeing -> through both direct effects and ability to moderate the effects of stress
Convoy: set of people who a person relies on for support and that relies on them for the same.
What are the psychosocial health results of losing a spouse?
Detrimental, its often followed by poor psychosocial health even in the long run
What is the wear and tear theory?
a theory of aging that defines aging as a consequence of the body getting worn down by use
What is the Preprogrammed/ genetic theory?
a theory of aging that states physical aging as something determined by genetics.
Kubler ross stages of dying. name the stages
at least two of the stages are experienced by all
What are two successful aging theories?
Disengagement theory and activity theory
What is Disengagement theory?
Successful aging involves gradual retreat and withdrawal from activities. its a natural process
what is Activity theory?
successful aging involves maintaining interest in activities in late adulthood
Never grow up, just grow wider
What are some elements needed for successful aging?
Good physical health
retaining cognitive abilities and productive activities