Adrenergic Agonists and Antagonists Flashcards
acts on smooth muscles and glands
Functions include: control and regulation of the heart, respiratory system, GI tract, bladder, eyes, and glands
autonomic nervous system
the 4 types of the adrenergic receptor organ cells
alpha 1, alpha 2, beta 1, beta 2
mimic the sympathetic neurotransmitters norepi and epi
increases force of heart contraction; vasoconstriction increases blood pressure; mydriasis (pupil dilation); saliva secretion decreases; urinary bladder relaxation and urinary sphincter contraction increases
Alpha1 (vasoconstriction)
Inhibits release of norepi; dilates blood vessels; produces hypotension; decreases GI motility and tone
Alpha2 (vasodilation)
Increases HR and force of contraction; increases renin secretion, which increases BP
Beta1 (increase HR and increase contractility)
Dilates bronchioles; promotes GI and uterine relaxation; promotes increase in blood glucose through glycogenolysis in the liver; increases blood flow in skeletal muscles
Beta2 (bronchodilation)
located in the renal, mesenteric, coronary, and cerebral arteries
vessels dilate and blood flow increases
3 categories of sympathomimetics
- direct-acting (directly stimulate adrenergic receptor)
- indirect-acting (stimulate release of norepi)
- mixed-acting (both direct and indirect)
example of mixed-acting
pseudoephedrine and ephedrine
___ are chemical structures of a substance, either endogenous or synthetic, that can produce a sympathomimetic response
examples of endogenous catecholamines
epi, norepi, and dopamine
examples of synthetic catecholamines
isoproterenol and dobutamine
examples of noncatecholamines that stimulate adrenergic receptors
phenylephrine, metaproterenol, and albuterol
which receptors does epi act on?
alpha1, beta1, and beta2 (nonselective)
increase BP, pupil dilation, increase HR, and bronchodilation; decreases renal perfusion which decreases urinary output (oliguria)
___ is given in anaphylactic shock because it increases BP, HR, and airflow through the lungs
___ is selective for beta2-adrenergic receptors, so the response is relaxation of bronchial smooth muscle and bronchodilation to prevent and treat bronchospasm
albuterol sulfate
drug interactions with epi
digoxin (dysrhymias)
beta blockers (decrease epi action)
routes of epi administration
subq, IM, IV, inhaled
what is the antidote to epi and used when extravasation of epi occurs?
phentolamine mesylate (Regitine)
central acting and produce vasodilation by stimulating alpha2 receptors in the CNS, leading to a decrease in BP
act by decreasing the release of norepi from the sympathetic nerves and by decreasing peripheral adrenergic receptor activation
alpha2 drugs (agonists)
clonidine and methyldopa (ggmc)
example of direct acting sympathomimetics
epinephrine and norepi
example of indirect acting sympathomimetic
drugs that intensify and prolong epi effects
tricyclic antidepressants (TCA) and monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOI)