Adrenal Flashcards
Which part of the adrenal gland produces steroid hormones?
The cortex! (CORTicoid) :)
What type of messenger does the adrenal medulla produce? What are the two examples?
Catecholamines…Epinephrine and NorEpi
What are the three layers of the adrenal cortex?
Zona Glomerulosa, Zona fasicula, Zona Reticularis
What are the three types of hormones produced in the adrenal cortex? What is an example of each?
- Minral-o-CORTicoid (Aldosterone) 2.Gluco-CORTicoid (Cortisol) 3.Androgens(DHEA)
Since the corticoids are hydrophobic how do they get around the blood?
Bound to protein carriers!
What type of stimulus causes CRH secretion from the hypothalamus to the pituitary?
What “type” of rhythm is ACTH released? WHEN is ACTH most frequently released?
“Diurnal” (whatever that means), ACTH is released most from 4-6pm
What does cortisol do to blood glucose?
it INCREASES blood glucose (its a GLUCOcorticoid)
Does cortisol increase or resist insulin?
Cortisol causes insulin RESISTANCE
Does cortisol stimulate or inhibit appetite?
Cortisol Stimulates Appetite-causes weight gain (STRESS EATING!)
Does cortisol increase or decrease protein breakdown?
Increase!…breakdown proteins for GNG!
Does cortisol promote or inhibit glycogen storage in the liver?
Cortisol promotes liver glycogen storage
Does cortisol have any mineralcorticoid activity?
Yes, it helps retain sodium
How does cortisol affect our ability to handle stress?
Cortisol increases tolerance to stress
What effect does cortisol have on inflammation, immune response, and wound healing?
SUPRESSES ALL! (giving a cortisol shot to an injury can help (temporarily) but hope to God there isn’t an infection in the area
How does Aldosterone (a minralocorticoid) affect kidney excretion of sodium and potassium? What is the big picture result of this action?
Retains sodium! (decreases kidney excretion of sodium) and Increases kidney excretion of potsssium…Big picture: maintains blood volume and pressure
What is the main task of DHEA (a weak androgen-masculinizing hormone)?
Maintains axillary and poobic hair
What effect can excess DHEA have on females and young boys?
Virilization and hitsutism
What test would you order to measure adrenal insufficiency?
an ACTH stimulation test
What test would you order for pituitary insufficiency?
CRH Stimulation test