ADP 6-0 Mission Command Flashcards
What does ADP 6-0 cover?
Mission command
What ADP covers Mission command?
ADP 6-0
What is a team?
A group of individuals or organizations that worth together towards a common goal
How do staff members assist the CDR?
In the details of planning, preparing, executing, and assessing the operations process
What are 5 systems included in the mission command system?
Personnel Networks Information systems Processes and procedures Facilities and equipment
What is mission command?
The exercise of authority and direction by the CDR using mission orders to enable initiative within the CDRs intent to empower leaders in the conduct of unified land operations
What should CDRs provide subordinates during mission command?
Intent, purpose of the operation, key tasks, and desired end state
What are the 6 principles of mission command?
Build cohesive teams through mutual trust
Create shared understanding
Provide a clear CDRs intent
Exercise disciplined imitative
Use mission Orders
Accept prudent risk
What is mutual trust?
Shared confidence between CDRs, subordinates, and partners
How is trust gained or lost?
Through everyday actions more than grand or occasional gestures
Where does mutual trust come from?
Successfully Shared experiences and training
What is unity of effort and trust?
Shared understanding and purpose
How do CDRs and staffs actively build and maintain shared understanding within the force?
By maintaining collaboration and dialogue throughout the operations process
Why do CDRs use collaboration?
To establish human connections, build trust, and create and maintain shared understanding and purpose
What is discipled initiative?
Action in the absence of orders, when existing or no longer fit the situation, or when threats arise
When can CDRs or Soldiers deviate from lawful orders?
When they are unlawful, needlessly risk lives of soldiers, or no longer fit the situation
What are mission orders?
Directives that emphasize to subordinates the results to be attained, not how they achieve them
What is prudent risk?
A deliberate exposure to potential injury or loss when the CDR judges the situation in terms of mission accomplishment as worth the cost
What is command?
The authority that a CDR is the armed forces lawfully exercises over subordinates by virtue of rank or assignment
What is the art of command?
The creative and skillful exercise of authority through timely decision making and leadership
What is leadership?
The process of influencing by providing purpose, direction and motivation to accomplish the mission and improve the organization
What is authority?
The delegated power to Judge, act, or command
How can CDRs earn respect and trust?
By upholding laws and values, applying leadership principles, and demonstrating tactical and technical expertise
What is control?
The regulation of forces and war fighting functions to accomplish the mission in accordance with the CDRs intent
What does the science of control consist of?
Systems and procedures used to improve the commanders understanding and support accomplishing missions
What is communication?
The means through which CDRs exercise immediate and personal control over their forces
What does communicate build?
And shared understanding
What is structure?
A defined organization that establishes relationships and guides interactions among elements
What is the mission command war fighting function?
Related tasks and systems that develop and integrate those activities enabling a CDR to balance command and control in order to integrate the war fighting functions
What is the mission command system?
The arrangement of personnel, networks, information systems, facilities and equipment that enable the CDR to conduct operations
What personnel are key personnel dedicated to mission command?
Seconds in command
What is the general definition of network?
A grouping of people or things interconnected for a purpose
What is an information system?
System consist of equipment that collects processes, stores, displays and disseminates information
What is the purpose of processes and procedures?
Govern actions within a mission command system to make it more effective and efficient
What is a process?
Series of actions directed to an end state
What is procedures?
Detailed steps often used by staffs that describe how perform specific tasks to achieve the desired end state
What does facilities and equipment include?
A structure or location that provides a work environment as shelter for personnel with the mission command system
What are some examples of equipment needed to sustain a mission command system?
Vehicles, generators, lighting