ADP 1 The Army Flashcards
When was the continental army established?
14 June 1775
How many campaign streamers and battle streamers does the flag of the United States have?
Over 180
What does the uniform of the Army represent for Soldiers?
It means that they have become part of something far bigger than themselves to serve their country. Also danger, separations, fatigue, and stress
What does the uniform of the army represent for families?
Both pride and anxiety, knowing the sacrifices ahead
What does the uniform of the army represent for American civilians?
Patriotism and selfless service of men and women whom the nation takes pride in.
The army’s vision captures the three strategic roles of the army, what are they?
Prevent, shape and win
What is meant by the army’s role to prevent?
Countries believe that our force is unbeatable, deplorable, highly trained well equipped, and always ready to assist our allies and protect the United States interests.
What is meant by the the army’s role to shape?
To assist other nations to shape their own training and military strength to defend themselves.
What is meant by the army’s role to win?
To attack and defend successfully against enemy ground forces
What gives the president the authority as the commander and chief?
The constitution
Who determines the the size and organization of the army?
Where does congress get authority to determine the size and organization of the army?
The constitution
What is the army’s mission?
To fight and win the nations wars through prompt and sustained land combat as part of the joint forces
How does the army accomplish its mission?
Organizing, equipping, and training the army forces for prompt and sustained combat incident on land, working with other armed services, accomplishing all missions, and remain ready while preparing for the future.
What are the 5 essential characteristics or our profession?
Trust Honorable service Military expertise Stewardship of our profession Esprit de corps
What is the army ethic?
The heart of the army and the inspiration for our shared professional identity
What is the motto of the United States Army?
This we’ll defend
What are the the American values and universal rights and where do they originate?
Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness
What do Army professionals base their decisions and actions on?
Moral principles of the the army ethic, ensuring the protection of the inalienable rights of all people
Who led the first continental army?
General George Washington
How do units preserve their storied histories?
By displaying distinctive emblems like regimental colors, crests, insignias, patches, and mottos
Where must trust always be maintained?
Between soldiers and their leaders, families, the army, and nation
Why is trust between soldiers so important?
They entrust their lives to the soldiers on the left and right of them. Without this level of trust there is no cohesion, no ability to stand fast in horrific environments
If soldiers do not have trust between soldiers and their leaders what can be the outcome?
Soldiers will not follow orders except from fear of consequences
What are the 7 army values?
Loyalty Duty Respect Selfless service Honor Integrity Personal courage
What usually keeps professional soldiers in the army?
What is essential to preserving an all volunteer force?
The trust between the army and soldiers families and confidence of American citizens
What does the army need to provide to the soldiers and their families?
Quality of life commensurate with the soldiers service to the nation
Do American citizens place special trust and confidence in soldiers to serve the nation before all other considerations in their lives?
Yes. Most citizens trust that soldiers will defend our nation at any cost.
How is the unit compliance with safety and personal regulations measures?
Through inspections
What is an oath?
A moral commitment made publicly unlike civilians
What does the oath bind soldiers to?
An unlimited liability, acceptance of the risk to serious personal harm or death
How is the constitutional oath legally binding?
It’s makes Soldiers subject to UCMJ, federal laws applying armed forces, and the law of land and warfare
What do customs, traditions, ceremonies and symbols give soldiers?
A sense of commitment, identify the cause we serve, and unite us to those gone before and sacrificed so much
What is discipline?
High standards of conduct and performance and reflects self control in the face of temptation, obstacles and adversity. To do the harder right instead of the easier wrong.
What is pride?
Recognition that obstacles, adversity and fear can be mastered through discipline and teamwork
What is the size of a squad?
6-9 Soldiers
What is the size of a platoon?
16-44 Soldiers
What is the size of a company?
62-190 Soldiers
What is the size of a battalion?
300-1000 Soldiers
What are the levels of command and the rank that generally commands them?
Squad- SSG Platoon- LT/SFC Battalion- LTC/ CSM Brigade- COL/CSM Division- MG/CSM Corps- LG/ CSM Army- GEN/CSM
What is the size of a brigade?
3000-5000 Soldiers
What is the size of a division?
10,000-15,000 Soldiers
What is the size of a corps?
20,000-45,000 Soldiers
What is joint interdependence?
All the services working together. Army, navy, marines, and air force
What is the percentage of Americans that serve in the in the military?
Less than one half percent and only about half are Soldiers
What does the flag of the United States honor?
All who served and are serving, built on the sacrifices from the revolution through today
Who did the US fight during the war of 1812
The British
When did the civil war begin?
When did the US mass the largest army in history?
During World War II