Administration Policy Operative Management (APOM) Flashcards
Learn about policies
What shall be checked visually on aerial ladder/device daily the checkout procedure
Hydraulic reservoir levels.
SCHEDULE A cleaning and maintenance.
• sweep out all compartments • Wipe all hand tools • Lubricate compartment doors locks and latches • Check and lubricate fire extinguisher brackets • Wipe down dashboard and all cab interior surfaces • Sweep cab floor • apply tire shine • wash and wax entire unit
•Connect pump to hydrant • pump water through discharges • at least one gate should have nozzle attached and flowed to 150 psi • back flush pump • operate relief valve • lubricate discharge handles and drains where necessary with white lithium or grease gun . Lubricate front suction butterfly or applicable wye • check deluge gun(s) for operability and ease of motion,lubricate as necessary • check deluge gauge for readability • check and lubricate where necessary, all ladders and high suction bracket clamps • check ladder halyard for fraying,etc
B. Aerial Ladder Device
• check aerial ladder for crack in structural members and welds • check capers for where and tear, tension, etc. • checked Nylatron blocks for wear and tear; lubricate per driver's manual. • flow water through water-way and ladder as necessary per manufacturer's manual. • check emergency power switch and override switches • lubricating out riggers per manufacturers manual • rotate and external aerial.
c. Rescue:
• White countertop, cabinet doors, etc. With
a disinfectant
• mop interior floor with a light bleach
(1:100) solutions
• clean all suction units
• wipe down and disinfect all backboards
In an effort to enhance existing procedures dealing with vehicle repairs?
Vehicle work order forms should be completely filled out detailing the issue with the Apparatus and forward electronically to the logistics division
When should a unit report to city garage for immediate repairs without going “out of service”?
Safety repairs and quick fixes.
Who should the officer contact before going to city garage for repairs and quick fixes?
Logistic division who will in turn contacted the garage supervisor on duty. Logistic will then contact the officer for further instruction
where are City fuel pumps located?
Miramar waste water reclamation facility.(13900 Pembroke Road)
When we refueling at the city pumps, it is important to leave master battery on for the fuel system to work? (Sec:304.06)
The procedure for refueling with the AIM2 system is
- Pull up to fuel pump
- Shut ignition off,leave master battery on
- Insert the nozzle into the vehicle fuel fill
opening (leave pump off) - Go to system control panel
- Press C
- Enter pump # when asked
- Swipe your ID card. System should display
“turn pump on” - Return to the pump and turn pump on(flip
lever) - Keep nozzle inserted fully into the fuel
opening at all times when refueling if the
nozzle retracts out it can shut the pump
down and you will have to start the process
all over again - When tank is full simply turn the pump off
(flip lever)and returned it nicer to the
retainer on pump.
In the event that the AIM2 system is not working?
Fuel key located in lockbox attached to the base of the fuel system control panel
What is the combination to the lock box ID for the old system
9- 1-2(new code 908)
How do you work the old system
- Enter lockbox combination 9-1-2 (new code
908) - Insert key into the appropriate location on
the fuel system control panel - Follow directions 6-10 from AIM2
- Return key to the lock box and close door
Upon returning to the fire station the fuel receipt should be?
Attached using clear tape to the EXXON/MOBIL SPEEDPASS TRACKING FORM #063. Review by on shift battalion and submitted through chain of command to the administrative service division for processing
Where should all fuel keys and speed passes be kept
On the narcotic box key ring. in the event that that a truck need to be taken out of service, the fuel keys and speedpasses will be taken off the narcotics key ring and placed on the key for the vehicle being out of service.
The execution of the daily activity schedule shall be the responsibility of the
Station captain under the approval of the shift battalion chief
The department daily calendar will be review by
Station captain
Officers may down apparatus until
Safety items have been corrected
Completed check out sheet should be reviewed by the station captain
For items which required immediate attention such as safety items, severe leaks of air or fluids,no head lights
The logistic division and/or city garage should be contacted
For situations requiring immediate attention
During daily check out,The pump pressure Shall be raised to approximately
150 psi, the primer operated, and the relief valve/pressure Governor tested for operability daily
Any and all in-service apparatus a equipped with a aerial ladder /device shall be
Operated daily during the check out procedure.
The ladder shall be raised,extended and rotated.
Hydraulic reservoir levels shall be checked visually
What shall be used to lubricate
White lithium or grease gun
When parking emergency vehicles during non-emergency situations
Position the Apparatus in a manner has as to facilitate a quick and safe response
The unit’s warning lights shall be used to caution civilian traffic
When backing any fire rescue vehicle
In order to maximize appropriate protection for our community
The non-emergency movement of unit will be closely monitored
If the battalion chief is unavailable for a consultation and movement outside of the primary district is essential.
The unit shall first obtain permission from the station captain then check with fire comm to determine status of other units and ensure such movement can be accomplished without adversely impacting city protection
The maximum turnaround time for rescue at a hospital should be
10 to 15 minutes to clear medical facility
Who shall be constantly aware of fuel level
Company officers, driver, or other person responsible for a vehicle
To maintain fuel level unit shall
Refuel when returning from calls, training or details
Reaction/turnout time for all personnel and units should not exceed
80 seconds for fire incidents and 60 seconds for EMS responses during normal conditions
(NFPA 1710 ed. 2010 sec.
Whose responsibility is it to ensure compliance with the traffic preemption policy
The captains and lieutenants
Drivers are required to obey all emergency vehicle traffic laws in accordance with
1•Florida statute 316..072 state uniform traffic control
2• miramar fire rescue department SOP 400.15
Vehicle safety operation
3• miramar fire rescue department policy
400.17 highway safety
Traffic preemption device is disabled when
The emergency lights are shut off and/or the driver’s door is open
To reactivate the traffic preemption device
Depress the on/off button and/or shut your emergency lights off and turn them back on
The decision to transport a patient code 3 vs code 1 should be based on
Sound patient assessment and risk benefit analysis as determined by the Lt or paramedic in charge
All problems with intersection operation should be reported to
To the captain,who in turn shall report it to logistics
It shall be the responsibility of the driver of any apparatus to confirm
That the traffic preemption device is functioning correctly at morning check out and during response to alarm assignments
Morning check out of the preemption device
1• turn on all warning lights
2•Preemption device will cycle on
3•Three green lights on the unit will indicate
system is operational
4•Open the driver’s door to cancel /reset the
The officer in charge of the first arriving fire rescue unit will
Serve as the incident commander and advise other responding units of the situation
Upon arrival of other agency representatives
A unified command maybe instituted
If a unified command is not established the incident commander must have direct contact at all times with a
Law enforcement representative
Specific direction should be conveyed through dispatch by the first arriving units to help
Direct later arriving units when response problems are encountered are on scene situation change
A request should be directed to the incident commander to provide
An escort are traffic assistance to expedite emergency response, if necessary
The incident commander will be ___the until one can be assigned
Safety officer
Florida State statute 316. 126 dictates that drivers
Pull parallel to the nearest curb
Whenever practical, operators will maintain a minimum of
100 feet of separation between vehicles to allow for sufficient reaction time
Fire department members are authorized to exceed posted speed limits a maximum of 10 mph
Only when responding to an emergency incident under favorable conditions
Favorable conditions means there is
Light traffic, good roads, good visibility and dry pavement
Drivers are responsible for the operation of the vehicle at all times while it is in motion
a unified command system is responsible for
Interaction and coordination of individual agencies to develop one unified plan of action
The first arriving Public Safety Agency
Will serve as the incident commander and advise other responding apparatus of the situation
As soon as law-enforcement start to control the traffic flow and conditions are safe for emergency personnel
Fire department vehicles should be repositioned or removed from the travel lanes to assist law enforcement with resumption of normal traffic flow
At residential medical emergencies,apparatus shall park
at the nearest curve to the resident for safe patient loading whenever possible
Always position first arrive in Apparatus to protect
The scene, patient, and emergency personnel
Rescue units should be position within the protected temporary work zone with their rear patient loading door area
Angled away from the nearest Lane of moving traffic
Under less than favorable conditions the posted speed limit is
Maximum speed permissible
Activities consistent with department mission are
1•Delivery of emergency services 2• shift change with formal information exchanged 3• Vehicle and equipment check 4•Vehicle, equipment, and facilities maintenance 5•pre-schedule training 6• Company level training 7• special details and events 8•Physical training
Items which require immediate attention are
1• safety items
2•Severe air or fluid leaks
3• no headlights
Vehicles assigned to staff members shall be checked on a regular basis for
1• proper fluid levels 2• proper tire inflation and Proper operation of all lights 3• windshield wipers 4• horns 5• emergency warning systems 6• tread wear
Various apparatus shall be cleaned and maintained in greater detail will be scheduled for
Each Saturday morning
Per NFPA 1710 ed.2010 sec.
Turn out time for units and personnels should not exceed 80 seconds for fire and 60 seconds for EMS under normal conditions
Drivers are required to obey all emergency vehicle traffic laws in accordance with
1• Florida statute 316. 072 state uniform traffic control
2• MFRD SOP 400.15 Vehicle Safety
3• MFRD Policy 400.17 Highway
What is the mandated document for response to hazardous materials incident throughout the state of Florida
OSHA 29CFR 1910.120
1• delivery of Emergency Services
What is our mission statement
To protect serve and educate over Community with pride and professionalism
What is our core values
- We are dedicated to a culture of safety
- we selflessly serve our community with courage, compassion and charity
- we believe in leadership is demonstrated through Integrity, commitment, loyalty and humility
- we Foster professionalism through excellence,teamwork, respect and accountability
- We treat each other and the public with respect based on Mutual trust and open and honest communication
Used traffic cones for the lane closure which should be approximately
250 feet from the rear of the apparatus so has to taper from the incident
The captain of the secondary suppression unit will contact Turnpike or I-75 Ops on
Event 3 channel while responding to the incident
The captain of the secondary suppression unit shall be responsible for notifying all other responding units of
The precise incident location received and any other relevant information
Whenever the situation allows, emergency vehicles should back into limited access area to facilitate
A quick and safe exit
All dispatched calls for service shall require emergency Personnel to report to their apparatus and respond with your vehicle moving within
80 seconds for fire incidents and 60 seconds for EMS.
When leaving the station for emergency response what will be activated
the wall mounted preemption device
Mission statement
protect serve and educate our community with pride and professionalism
Vision statement
to be a premier fire rescue Department recognized as an industry role model in effectiveness, efficiency and Community partnering