Admin (Inspections and investigations) Flashcards
A person voluntarily and willfully agrees in response to another person proposition.
Recorded sworn oral testimony of a party or witness before trial.
written order to compel an individual to give testimony on a particular subject,
a court order requiring a person to do or cease doing a specific action
a process in both civil practice and criminal law, where the court or police take custody of personal property
Legal prohibition by a government or group of governments restricting the departure of vessels or movement of goods from some or all locations to one or more countries.
A seizure happens if the officers take possession of items during the search. The Fourth and the Fourteenth Amendments of the U.S. Constitution require that any search of a person or their premises (including a vehicle), and any seizure of tangible evidence, must be reasonable.
the process a government or private entity uses to legally acquire property
Voluntary condemnation and destruction
Voluntary Condemnation and Destruction (VC&D) is a voluntary action taken by an operator to dispose of food suspected to be unsafe, spoiled or adulterated.
What are the legal methods to obtain information during investigations and inspections
-Written communications (review operator’s files, historic office/ file review, public records act)
-Evidence collection (inspection warrant)
-Methods of lawful inspections (right of entry, plain sight)
State vs federal delegations for environmental health agencies
Power remains with the state
State vs local jurisdiction
Main sources of state’s authority
Home rule: Originates with state
- Authorizes local gov’t authority
- Direct delegation of authority
-Local authority
Health officers are given jurisdiction, authority, and structure to…
Enforce laws, regulations, codes and ordinances
inspect facilities/ private and public property
Issue and condition permits to operate
Impound, embargo, seize, condemn property
What are conflict resolution techniques
De-escalation change topic, invite to do something else
Developing listening skills
paraphrase and repeating
body language act clam
approach - first impression
know when to leave, give space and time
PPE equipment
Hard hat/ protective headgear
ear plugs
air purifying respirators
safety shoes
Environmental Hazards (sun protection, insect repellent, hydration/ heat stress, avoid poisonous plants and animals bites?
What are some unethical habits to avoid?
Gratuities/ gifts, revealing Private information, slander, defamation, libel, rumors
Favoritism/ recommendations, discrimination
All practices can lead to consequences of REHS revocation
What are some ethical practices to maintain?
Professional code
Public and personal accountability/ transparency
Maintain confidentiality
Steps to risk assessment
Identify public health risks
respond appropriately to public health impacts
project/ time management (prioritize workload)