ADHD 2 Flashcards
previous theories in ADHD
- although there are abundant ‘theories’ of what underlies ADHD, there is no consensus
- classical theories:
1. many psychiatric and neurological disorders are associated with frontal cortex dysfunction (from schizophrenia to Parkinson’s disease)
2. newer drugs (atomoxetine, guanfacine) affect noradrenaline not dopamine
frontline treatments for ADHD
- DL-amphetamine or methylphenidate
- both of which are Class B drugs
–> i.e. .e. they have significant abuse potential
–> we give these to kids
new approach to ADHD
- 3 presentations:
1. inattentive
2. hyperactive/impulsive
3. combined - may not be productive to look for single ‘cause’ or single therapeutically relevant action of drugs
- ‘distractibility’
- since the work of A.A Strauss in the 1940s and 50s, distractibility has been considered a core symptom of ADHD
- ‘is often easily distracted by extraneous stimuli’ (DSM 5)
- linked to inattentive side of ADHD
- useful focus: substrate mediating distractibility is well known
–> brain area / part of brain is linked to distractibility
superior colliculus and and distractibility
- areas of our brain are known to pull our attention
–> can be good (i.e. food) or bad (i.e. predators) - distractibility intimately linked with the superior colliculus
–> sits in midbrain (back surface, the dorsal)
general function of the superior colliculus
- most important subcortical part of the visual system
- lots of visual input goes to the colliculus
- highly conserved
–> in humans, one of the main functions is to control eye movements - collicular lesions decrease distractibility
–> in rats, cats and monkey’s
–> without superior colliculus, animals get less distracted
Goodale and Murison (1975) - superior colliculus
- animals have their superior colliculus removed on both sides or its intact
- animals trained to run across arena and run through a door
- door is illuminated
- if they run through the right door they get rewarded
- sometimes a noise was present, sometimes a flashing light was present on the side of the arena
–> act as distractors
predicted results / actual results of Goodale and Murison (1975)
- those with an intact superior colliculus (normal animals) will attend to it
–> they get distracted
–> may freeze, or run over to light to investigate - those with their superior colliculus removed, do not get distracted
–> they ignore the lights and sounds
–> run straight across the arena to the doors - important is the rats aren’t blind
–> they can see light, just aren’t distracted
Gaymard et al. (2003) - lesion in superior colliculus
- lesions to superior colliculus can still be functional in humans
- 51 yr old woman with a lesion affecting the projection from the cortex to the superior colliculus (prefronto-tectal tract) on the left hand side
- more distractible on that side of the visual field (right visual field)
retinas, visual fields and superior colliculus
- left hand side of the retina in BOTH eyes goes to left superior colliculus
- right hand side of the retina in BOTH eyes goes to right superior colliculus
- left visual field goes to right superior colliculus
- right visual field goes to left superior colliculus
the anti-saccade paradigm
- investigate distractibility
- Ps fixate on spot in the middle of the visual field
- target is presented (left or right)
- have to move eyes in opposite direction to the prime
- those with damage to left colliculus, struggled when prime was in RIGHT VISUAL FIELD
–> got distracted - those with damage to left colliculus and prime was in LEFT VISUAL FIELD, did better and wasn’t distracted
ADHD and superior colliculus (the new theory to ADHD)
- distractibility in ADHD can be explained by hyper response in the colliculus
–> hyper responsive colliculus reflects distractibility in ADHD
evidence needed to support hyper responsiveness of superior colliculus
- at least 4 types of evidence:
1. Hyper-responsiveness in an animal model?
2. Is there a ‘hot line’ to the brain’s interrupt system?
3. Any collicular impairments in ADHD?
4. Do ADHD treatments affect the colliculus?
how long have vertebrate brains had the superior colliculus?
500 million years
hyper-responsiveness in an animal model
- brain cells encode information by ‘firing’
- allows a message to get sent from one structure and delivered to another
- cells in sensory structures fire when an appropriate sensory stimulus is encountered
- fire more when something is seen and attention is being paid to it
- you can measure action potentials normally in animals
- then add flashes (stimuli) and see how brain activity changes
- put this data on a graph
- animal model of ADHD has greater response to stimuli than control rat
–> more response in the colliculus
hot line to the brain’s interrupt system
- use tract system
- anatomical technique to investigate connection and interaction between brain areas
–> inject chemical into cell body of one cell
–> this travels around the body and into projectors of other cells - acts as a tracker
- can inject chemical into superior colliculus and see where this tracker goes (where is the label located?)
- sub-thalamic nucleus is very important in the brain’s interrupt system
sub-thalamic nucleus
- involved in stopping what you’re doing now
- interrupts actions
- over activity in the STN keeps brain in an ‘off mode’
–> i.e. those with Parkinson’s fail to move
collicular impairments in ADHD
- working on a clinical (children with ADHD) population in the UK is difficult
- fortunately ADHD is present in adults
- ADHD is a continuum disorder (ASRS)
–> adult ADHD rating scale
–> based entirely on sympto-patterns in the DSM - self-report way of reporting ADHD symptoms
- those with lots of the symptoms can be seen to be ‘highly likely to have ADHD’ but have no diagnosis
- can have low levels of diagnosis, but high levels of people with those traits
multi sensory integration in the colliculus
- Colliculus is involved in multi-sensory integration
–> visual, auditory and somatosensory inputs converge onto a common pool of neurons
–> multisensory neurons show enhanced responses to multisensory stimuli, if the stimuli are close together in space and time
Panagiotidi et al. (2017)
- Simultaneity Judgement Task
- subjects presented with multisensory stimuli (auditory beep and a visual pattern at a range of stimulus onset asynchronies)
–> either together
–> or one before the other - subjects asked to determine if auditory and visual stimuli occur at same time or different times
- main measure = proportion of trials stimuli are reported as simultaneous
- compared High and Low ADHD (ASRS) groups
Panagiotidi et al. (2017) - results
- the bigger the gap between auditory and visual stimuli, the less likely people are to say its simultaneous
- smaller the gap, more likely to say they were simultaneous
- lower chances of those with high ADHD saying things were simultaneous if they weren’t
–> see the world as separate, distinct entities and separate modalities - more to process and so could be more distracting
ADHD treatments and the colliculus
- light shone in the rat’s eye
–> measure colliculus response - amphetamine given to the rat
–> very effective treatment in ADHD - more amphetamine, less response in the colliculus
- turns it down
- less response in colliculus with more amphetamine
- superior colliculus is involved in distractibility in animals and humans
- animal models of ADHD exhibit visual hyper-responsiveness
- the colliculus has a hot line to the brain’s interrupt system
- multisensory integration in people with high levels of ADHD-like traits is suggestive of collicular hyper-responsiveness
- Amphetamine is able to ‘turn off’ or ‘turn down’ the colliculus
–> would bias system so that distractions only occur to more salient stimuli
colliculus and dopamine
- colliculus not only mediates distractibility but it also regulates dopamine neurons
- the tectonigral projection = a direct pathway from the deep layers of the colliculus to the ventral midbrain
- terminates on dopamine and non-dopamine neurons
colliculus transmits visual info to dopamine neurons
- colliculus is primary source of visual input to dopamine neurons
–> dopamine neurons are regulated by sensory neurons - single unit recording of dopamine neurons
- effect on responses of dopamine neurons to visual stimulation
–> when light is flashed in eyes, what happens? - awakened deep layers of the colliculus with bicuculline
–> wakes up the inhibited colliculus (which occurs due to antiesthetic)
visual activation of dopamine neurons
- pre-drug baseline: no light response
- after bicuculline: colliculus starts to ‘see’ light
- so do dopamine neurons
–> excitatory = 17/35
–> inhibitory = 13/35
effect on dopamine release in the forebrain
- visual activation of dopamine neurons via the input from the colliculus leads to dopamine release in the forebrain
- can measure dopamine release by amperometry
- no electrochemical response to light without collicular bicuculline
- bicuculline into colliculus induced light response
- amplitude and duration of this response increased by nomi-fensine (an SSRI)
- a constant potential (voltage) is applied to the working electrode
- will oxidise dopamine at the tip, which then creates a small current that can be measured
hotspots for methylphenidate in England
- Northwest
- Southeast
colliculus and frontal cortex dysfunction
- colliculus receives signals from widespread areas of the cortex
–> many areas
–> including the frontal cortex - retrograde tracing = whereabouts are the cell bodies
–> travels from back to front (end to start) - anterograde tracing = whereabouts are the terminal
–> tracker travels from front to back (start to end)
interaction between cortex, dopamine neurons and colliculus
- cortex transmits sensory information to dopamine neurons via the colliculus
- effects of local chemical manipulation of colliculus on responses of dopamine neurons to barrel cortex stimulation
- stimulate cortex
- record dopamine neurons and see the effects
- wake up the colliculus, stimulate the cortex (barrel cortex) and see the effects no
- use light flashes as control (no barrel cortex stimulation)
effects of barrel cortex stimulation
- dopamine neurons have no change between barrel cortex stimulation and light flash stimulation
–> colliculus is inhibited (asleep) - when colliculus is awake:
–> big changes
–> when barrel cortex is stimulated, dopamine neurons are also activated - functional connection between colliculus and cortex
–> they stimulate the dopamine neurons
How does the collicular theory of ADHD sit alongside the classical theories?
- frontal cortex
–> the colliculus receives inputs from widespread areas of the cerebral cortex, including the frontal cortex - Dopamine
—> the colliculus sends projection to the dopamine neurons in the midbrain
–> colliculus involved in sensory regulation of dopamine neurons
implications of the new theories & classical theories of ADHD
- step closer to understanding the underlying neural dysfunction in ADHD
- can now think of screening non-addictive drugs for their ability to depress collicular function
- opens up the possibility of drug companies developing new drugs that have a collicular target