Additional deck :) Flashcards
When does the primary standing reflex integrate?
1-2 months
When does the automatic walking reflex integrate
3-4 months
(reappears 10-15 months)
When does the rooting reflex AND the sucking reflex integrate?
3 months
When does the suck-swallow reflex integrate?
5 months
When does the moro reflex integrate?
3-5 months
When does ATNR integrate?
4-5 months
When does the palmar grasp reflex integrate?
4-7 months
When does the TLR reflex integrate?
neck flexed -> increased flexion throughout
neck extended -> increased extension throughout
6 months
When does the STNR integrate?
8-12 months
With STNR, when head flexes what happens:
When head extends what happens?
head flexes -> arms flex and hips extend
Head extends -> arms extend and hip flexes
When does the plantar grasp reflex integrate?
9 months
When does the galant reflex integrate?
3-6 months,
it should disappear by 9 months and if not it will result in fidgeting and inability to sit still
When should a baby be able to momentarily lift head in prone?
1 month
When should a baby be able to have reciprocal and symmetric kicking in supine?
1 month
When can a baby lift their head to 45 degrees in prone
2 months
When can a baby bear weight on elbows in prone?
2 months
when can a baby lift head to 90 degrees in prone?
3 months
When does a baby get midline orientation
3 months
When is “head righting” strongest in a baby
3 months
When does a baby get scapular adduction with trunk extension in prone with head and chest lifted
4 months
When does a baby have no headlag with pull to sit
4 months
When can a baby bring their hands to their feet in supine?
5 months
When can a baby hold head in lateral flexion away from floor in sidelying
5 months
When does the landau reflex emerge and integrate?
3-5 months (around the time babies have strong extension)
12 months
When does a baby have mature swimming in prone?
6 months
When does a baby have a chin tuck in supine
6 months
When can a baby use their UE to reach and manipulate objects in sitting
6 months
When does anterior and lateral protective extension emerge
6-9 months
When can a baby stand holding just fingers
6 months
When does a baby not like to be in supine
7 months
When does a baby have trunk rotation in sitting
7 months
When does a baby have the upper extremity parachute reflex
6-7 months
When can a baby W sit
9 months
When does a baby get posterior protective extension
9-11 months
When does a baby get anterior righting?
9 months
When can a baby walk with 2 hands held?
9 months
When can a baby stand alone and use limited UE
11 months
When can a baby lower themselves from standing and reach for a toy with one hand in standing
10 months
When does a baby have steppage gait with external rotation
11 months
When might a baby use squatting for play
12 months
When can a toddler ride a tricycle
2 years
when can a child walk up and down stairs with alternating feet
3 years
When can a child hop on one foot
3 years
When does a child have a tripod static grasp
3.5 years
When can a child kick a ball
3.5 years
When can a child gallop?
When does a child get a dynamic tripod grasp (mature grasp)
When can a child throw a ball at a target 10 feet away
When can a child skip?
When does a child have a mature gait pattern?
When does a child jump rope?
What is the erickson stage for infancy 0-1
trust vs mistrust
resolution: hope
what is the erickson stage for early childhood 1-3
autonomy vs shame
resolution: will
what is the erickson stage for play age 3-6
initiative vs guilt
resolution: purpose
what is the erickson stage for adolescence 12-19
Identity vs Confusion
Resolution: Fidelity
What is the erickson stage for school age 6-12
industry vs inferiority
resolution: competence
what is the erickson stage for early adulthood 20-25
Itimacy vs Isolation
Resolution: love
What is the main occupation of a child
What are the advantages of the ICF model
Captures growth and development of disability
Identifies wide variety of levels of functioning of children with same diagnosis
ICF focuses on life
recognizes disability and development as a parallel process
What are the 4 elements of Evidence based practice
The plan of care specifies the ___________ and their _____________
intervention and the timing and frequency
First trimester is how long?
week 1-12
week 13-26
week 27-40
Babies vision prefers ___________
strong contrasts
Primitive reflexes that aren’t integrated are related to cognitive challenges such as _______________
What reflexes integrate at 1-2 months
Flexor withdrawal
Crossed extension
Positive support
how long should a child bear weight with the primary standing reflex
20-30 seconds
What stimulus ilicits the automatic walking reflex
incline the baby forward in WB
How do you ilicit the rooting reflex
stroke the babies cheek
What is the stimulus to activate the Moro reflex
sudden change in head position (extension) in relation to trunk
What are the 2 parts of the moro reflex
first: flexion, abduction, and elbow extension
then: extension, adduction, and flexion of elbows
What can a weak palmar grasp reflex imply
potential peripheral nerve involvement
What is the stimulus to activate the plantar grasp reflex
pressure to sole of the foot just distal to the metatarsal heads
Should a 2 month old bear weight w/ the primary standing reflex
At what month will a baby have their pelvis flat on the floor in prone?
3 months
at what month does a baby begin to have neckflexor activity and a chin tuck in supine
3 months
At what age does a child develop a true consistent flight phase in running
when do they develop initial running?
3 years
2 years
At what age does a child start with initial hopping?
At what age does a child hop forward on either foot or without assistance 10 feet
age 3
age 4.5 to 5.5
at what age can a child jump off the bottom step or jump in place
2 years old
at what age can a child jump over a 2 inch object
3 years old
at what age can a child jump forward 2 feet, with feet together
4 years old
at what age does a child reach for an object with open hand in supine
at what age can a child transfer objects from hand to hand in supine
4-6 months
5-7 months
at what age does a child rake tiny objects with their hands
7 months
Norm referenced vs criterion referenced
norm referenced: comparison between specific child and typical child of the same age
criterion referenced: comparison to specific criteria rather than comparison to normal group
what is norm referenced criteria best for
to assess whether a child has a motor delay and determine ELIGIBILITY for early intervention
what is criterion-referenced criteria best for
to evaluate the effects of an intervention, treatment planning, and goal writing
Peabody, AIMS, and PEDI are all __________ referenced tests
Norm referenced
The sensory profile, and HELP (hawaii early learning profile) is a _________ referenced test
criterion referenced
Reliability vs Validity
reliability- consistency of test results
validity- accuracy of test results
The AIMS is an example of a _____________
a. Screening
b. Evaluation
c. Assessment
Screening, to identify risk for dysfunction in specific category of children
The GMFM (Gross motor function measure) is an example of a _____________
a. Screening
b. Evaluation
c. Assessment
evaluation, to help team determine diagnosis or identify atypical development, or determine eligibility for services
The hawaii early learning profile (HELP) is an example of a _____________
a. Screening
b. Evaluation
c. Assessment
Assessment, to plan intervention program, assess strengths and weaknesses and needs across domains.
The Hawaii Early Learning profile is an assessment that is valid for what ages?
What information does it give you?
0-3 and 3-6
Provides estimated age of development
What are the 6 domains of the HELP
Gross motor
fine motor
at what age does a child lean forward when jumping from a height
how long can kinesiotape stay on skin?
3-5 days
ACSM recommendations for school age children
60 minutes a day of vigorous aerobic activity
3x a week of muscle strengthening
3x a week of bone strengthening
what is considered mild CMT?
Moderate CMT?
Severe CMT?
Mild- under 15 degree restriction
moderate: between 15-30 degree restriction
severe: over 30 OR if infant is between 7 to 12 months with over 15 degree restriction
Best treatment positioning for elongation of weightbearing side?
T or F: Neuromuscular impairments have MANY approaches or intervention strategies that can be implemented
EBP integrates what 3 things
Best research
Therapist clinical expertise
Circumstances of patient and family
When does examination start?
Prior to the child arriving during initial chart review
A pattern of immature movement is lack of _____ plane movement
Transverse plane
What is the MINIMUM age for MMTs (not 8)
Not before 5, but 8 recommended
When can we start using weight shifts on a ball/lap to treat torticollis?
Month 3/4
Plagiocephaly vs bradycephaly
Plagiocephaly - flattening on the side of the head
Bradycephaly - flattening on the back of the head
We should monitor children in a pavlik harness for what potential complications
Posterior dislocation
Femoral nerve palsy
Avascular Necrosis
T or F: Spica casting for DDH can be casted to allow for weightbearing and ambulating
How will mild DDH present
Often undetectable early, but pt might end up limping or with hip pain in late teens
Some adults who need hip replacements end up having undetected DDH
What is the ICF model for children called
ICF children and youth
Examination vs evaluation
Examination: history, systems review, tests and measures
For gathering data
Evaluation: therapist makes clinical judgement based on examination
Diagnosis vs prognosis
Diagnosis- organizing exam data into defined syndromes or clusters
Prognosis - includes the plan of care, the expected improvement and the time it will take to achieve
Outcome measures and goals in pediatrics must focus on….
Need to be meaningful to child and family, and focus on quality of life
When does a child use words rather than gestures, and has 15 meaningful words.
12-18 months
When does a child use multiword utterances to express thoughts and can use words to protest
18-35 months
at what age can a child copy a circle, snip with scissors, and string one inch beads
at what age does a child speak in complete sentences and show interest in how things work, tells simple stories
3-5 years
at what age can a child give you their age, create questions, and match and name 4 colors
4 years old
at what age can a child count up to 20
at what age does object permanence develop
18-35 months
T or F: in the first year there is low variability between infant development and deviations are easy to note
A __________ is the vehicle to greater functional independence for children with disorders
well developed plan of care
What does the hierarchical theory state about motor control
That primitive reflexes are thought to be suppressed with the development of higher control
What is conductive education
Holistic approach to educate children with neurological dysfunction, not specifically designed for therapy
what are the 4 stages of developmental motor control from the Sensorimotor approach
Reciprocal innervation
stability superimposed on mobility
mobility superimposed on stability
What time in the day should a child wear the tot collar for CMT
They should wear it at play time and when in highchair
Do not use at night or in car seat
How long should an infant be screened for CMT after it is resolved
Until initiation of walking