ACW Timeline Flashcards
Cotton Gin invented
- Eli Whitney. Allowed for cotton to easily be split from its seeds. Made it more profitable.
Liberator Published
- William Lloyd Garrison’s anti slavery newspaper first published.
American Anti-Slave Society Founded
- William Lloyd Garrison and others formed abolition society.
The Missouri Compromise
- Established Maine as a free state. Allowed Missouri to be a slave state. Started 36-30 latitude line - no slavery above that.
Wilmot Proviso
- Henry Wilmot. Sought to prevent expansion of slavery. Made parties into sectional. Southern power in senate stopped it,
Calhoun Doctrine
- Calhoun introduced resolutions denying right for congress to exclude slavery property from territories eg, bringing slaves into states. Calhoun warned of “Political Revolution” and “Civil War”. House voted it down.
1850 Compromise
Fugitive Slave Act - North had to detain slave fugitives and return them.
California a free state.
Slave trading should end in Washington D.C but not slavery itself.
Uncle Tom’s Cabin published
1852 Harriett Beecher Stowe published ‘Uncle Tom’s Cabin’. Sold over 300,000 copies in America and over a million in Britain. Instrumental in increasing Abolition in America.
Kansas Nebraska Act
- Replaced the 1820 Compromise with popular sovereignty. Lead to collapse of the whigs. Awakened idea of slave power conspiracy.
Republican party formed
- Anti-Democrat party. Fought with Know-Nothings to fill the hole the whigs left.
Bleeding Kansas
- Tit for tat battles over slavery and anti slavery.
Sack of Lawrence and John Brown’s Raid.
Dred Scott
- Salve that sued for his freedom based on time spent in free states. 5/9 SC judges southern. Ruled Scott wasn’t a citizen so had no right to sue for freedom and slave owners could take their property across states.
Lincoln v Douglas Debates
- 3 Main topics of Slavery, Slave expansion and Race. Lincoln to declare he wasn’t in favour of black people reaching society. Douglas won but launched Lincoln onto international stage.
Lincoln Elected President
- 40% of total vote but no votes at all in southern states.
South Carolina Secedes
December 1860. Followed by other southern states in 1861.
First shots of War
1861 April. South Carolina shoots at fort Sumter after Lincoln informs them he’s ending provisions. Sumter surrenders with no casualties. Virginia secedes and war begins.