Acute and emergency dermatology Flashcards
What are the functions of the skin?
Mechanical barrier to infection Temperature regulation Fluid and electrolyte balance Vit D synthesis Sensation
What are the consequences of skin failure?
Sepsis Hypo and hyperthermia Protein and fluid loss Renal impairment Peipheral vasodilation
What is erythroderma?
Widespread skin disease affecting >90% total skin surface
What can cause erythroderma?
Psoriasis Eczema Drugs Cutaneous lymphoma Hereditary disorders
How often to drug reactions happen?
2-3% patients
What is a kind form of drug reaction?
Morbilliform exanthema
What are severe forms of drug reaction?
Stevens Johnson syndrome/toxic epidermal necrolysis
What causes SJS and TEN?
Drugs- antibiotics, anticonvulsants, allopurinol, NSAIDs
What are the clinical features of SJS?
Fever, malaise, arthralgia
Mouth ulceration
Ulceration of other mucous membranes
Describe the SJS rash
Maculopapular, taget lesions, blisters
Erosions covering <10% skin’s surface
Describe the mouth ulceration in SJS
Greyish white haemorrhage and haemorrhage crusting
What is the presentation of TEN?
Prodromal febrile illness
Ulceration of mucous membrane
Describe the TEN rash
May start as macular, purpuric or blistering
Rapidly becomes confluent
“Sloughing off” of large areas of epidermis
Nikolsky’s sign may be +
What is the management of SJS and TEN?
Identify and stop culprit drug
Supportive care- high dose steroids, IV immunoglobulins
Anti TNF therapy
What is the prognosis for SJS?
10% mortality
What is the prognosis for TEN?
30% mortality
What are the possible long term complications of SJS and TEN?
Pigmentary skin changes Scarring Eye disease and blindness Nail and hair loss Joimt contractures
What is DRESS?
Drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms
When is the onset of DRESS?
2-8 weeks after drug exposure