Action potential Flashcards
the only movement of ions through the membrane is ___________ , as demonstrated by the open channels between the potassium symbols (K+ ) inside and outside the membrane.
diffusion of potassium ions
The Resting Membrane Potential Is Established by the :
Diffusion Potentials,
Membrane Permeability, and
Electrogenic Nature of the Sodium-Potassium Pump
high ratio of potassium ions inside
to outside
35 : 1
Nernst potential corresponding to
this ratio is ___________ because the logarithm of 35 is 1.54, and this multiplied by −61 millivolts is __________
94 millivolts.
The ratio of sodium ions from
inside to outside the membrane is 0.1, which gives a calculated Nernst potential for the inside of the membrane of _________
+61 millivolts
Is Used to Calculate the Diffusion Potential When the Membrane Is Permeable to Several Different Ions
The Goldman Equation
sodium potassium pump transport :
3 sodium to the outside
2 potassium into the cell
continual loss of positive ions inside the membrane
further negativity of about -4 millivolts
In the normal nerve fiber, the
permeability of the membrane to potassium is about ______ as great as its permeability to sodium. Using this value in the Goldman equation gives a potential inside the membrane of −86 millivolts, which is near the potassium potential
100 times
when u talk about membrane potential, consider the:
- concentration and charge of ions
- permeability of cells
which are rapid changes in the membrane potential that spread
rapidly along the nerve fiber membrane.
Each action
potential begins with a sudden change from the normal resting negative membrane potential to a positive potential and ends with an almost equally rapid change back to the negative potential.
action potentials
- before action potential occurs - DEPOLARIZATION STAGE
- membrane becomes permeable to sodium ions - REPOLARIZATION STAGE
- voltage gated ions start to close
The membrane is said to be “polarized” during this stage
Resting Stage
membrane suddenly becomes permeable to sodium ions, allowing tremendous numbers of positively charged sodium ions to
diffuse to the interior of the axon.
The normal “polarized”
state of −90 millivolts is immediately neutralized by the inflowing positively charged sodium ions, with the potential rising rapidly in the positive direction—a process called depolarization.
Within a few 10,000ths of a second after the membrane becomes highly permeable to
sodium ions, the sodium channels begin to close and the potassium channels open to a greater degree than normal.
Repolarization Stage
are transmitted via an action potential. It is a very rapid changes in the membrane potential. And begins with a resting potential which turns to becoming positive potential, then end
with resting potential again.
Neuronal signals
are necessary for both DEPOLARIZATION and
REPOLARIZATION of the neuronal membrane during the action potential.
Voltage-gated sodium channels
also play an important
role in the increasing the rapidity of repolarization of the membrane for potassium.
voltage-gated sodium channels
both voltage-gated channels are addition to the
_______ & __________ which establish the resting membrane potential of the membrane.
sodium-potassium pump
sodium-potassium leak channels
- Resting State
- Onset of Action Potential
- End of Action Potential
- before action potential, there is a conductance of
potassium ions which are about 100 times as
greater as the conductance of sodium ions. - Cause by the greater leakage of potassium ions
than sodium ions through leak channels.
Resting State
- voltage-gated sodium channels become activated
instantly allowing about 5000 volts increase in the
permeability which was identified as sodium
conductance. - result to voltage gating of potassium channels
causing them to slowly open
Onset of Action Potential
End of Action Potential
- Return to a resting membrane potential state
- potassium channels are closed back to its original
state - It only happens after a delay
-The voltage-gated sodium channels opens when there is a rise in the membrane potential (specifically, -90 mv to 0)
-The rise and the opening of the voltage-gated sodium channels cause a further rise of membrane potential.
-The rise of the membrane potential, allows a rapid in-flow of ions. An example of
A sudden rise from -90mv to -65mv causes an explosive development of the action potential
is when sodium ions are greater than the number of the potassium ions leaving the neurons
threshold potential
After action potential is initiated, sodium ion channel are INACTIVATED
any amount of stimulation cannot open the inactivated gates. It can only be opened when the membrane potential is back to its:
original resting membrane potential
2 Things Presends:
- Absolute Refractory Period
- Relative Refractory Period
- action potential cannot be elicited
- Around 2500 impulses per second are transmitted
Absolute Refractory Period
- allows refractory period is stronger than normal
stimulus to excite nerve fiber. (for action potential
to be initiated)
Relative Refractory Period
Action potential elicited at any point in a
membrane would usually excite adjacent portions,
which results to
Transmission along neuron or muscles is called
(Undergoes an all-or-nothing principle)
neuronal or muscular impulse
Re-establishing Sodium and Potassium Ionic Gradients After Action Potentials are Completed – Importance of Energy Metabolism
Transmission of each impulse along the nerve fiber reduces infinitesimally the concentration differences of sodium and potassium
It is necessary to re-establish the sodium and potassium concentration differences across the membrane
As sodium enters the cell so does water. When the pump does not work normally, the cell will then swell.
problem in sodium channel pump
Large Nerve Fibers Are Myelinated and Small
Ones Are
Surrounding the larger axons is a thick myelin sheath
deposited by _______
Schwann cells (sphingomyelin)
At the juncture between two successive Schwann cells, a small noninsulated area only 2 to 3 micrometers in length remains where ions can still flow with ease between the extracellular fluid and the axon interior
nodes of Ranvier
the membrane of the axons is used for conduction of
action potential
“Saltatory” Conduction Occurs in
Myelinated Fibers
is when ions flows with ease through nodes of Ranvier. Thus, the neuronal impulse “jumps” from node to node along the fiber