Act 1, Scene 1 & Scene 2 Notes (Hamlet) Flashcards
(scene 1) barnardo & Francisco did not enter …., and are acting …
at the same time; jumpy
(scene 1) Francisco: “sick at heart” means
nervous, on edge
(scene 1) the Dane:
King of Denmark
(scene 1) liegemen:
(scene 1) Horatio: “a piece of him” means
mind is elsewhere
(scene 1) At the opening of this scene they had already seen the apparition …
2x prior
(scene 1) apparition:
appearance, typically supernatural
(scene 1) this scene presents the … and … sightings
3rd; 4th
(scene 1) ghost not necessarily …., otherwise it would have said “….”
King Hamlet; ghost of King Hamlet
(scene 1) Students of wittenberg expected to know: …, …; official language of the church was …. we can assume Horatio is speaking …. to ghost; …., …, …: study of …
latin; greek; latin; latin; theology; philosophy; demonology; supernatural
(scene 1) Horatio’s role in the play:
validate facts; tell the story
(scene 1) usurp: to
(scene 1) “warlike form” ghost is wearing …., Horatio has seen King Hamlet with ….
armor; that armor before
(scene 1) armor=
(scene 1) Horatio on ghost → “Bodes some strange eruption to our state”:
omen, foreboding
(scene 1) Marcellus wants to know why soldiers are working at … and why whole country is making …, why men who make ships no longer have …
night; materials for war; sundays off
(scene 1) Horatio heard rumor: King Fortinbras … King Hamlet to …. and before that, Fortinbras …→ King Hamlet should be King of … per contract
dared; fight him; waged Norway; Norway
(scene 1) King Hamlet only takes a …. of Norway, although Fortinbras would not have done the same
(scene 1) Prince Fortinbras is a …→”unimproved mettle…”
hot head
(scene 1) Old King Fortinbras is dead, Old Norway now king. There is Prince Fortinbras who put together a …., as he wants to get …
mercenary army of criminals; lands back
(scene 1) Prince F. & criminal army: Prince doesn’t care about losing …, doesn’t want to risk his … by using army, he himself is … through going against contract, criminals would do …, wouldn’t have to …. and they have ….
criminals in battle; legacy; a criminal; anything; pay them; no choice
(scene 1) Prince Fortinbras has a …. and ….
villanous intent; cunning intellect
(scene 1) Bernardo: “portentous figure” → …, …, ghost is considered …
ominous; foreboding; bad
(scene 1) Horatio: “A mote it is to trouble the mind’s eye”: something caught in his …; he is …
mind’s eye; distracted by something
(scene 1) Horatio sees ghost as sign of
something even worse
(scene 1) Horatio asked 4 specific questions of ghost:
- Can you …?
- Is there any …?
- Do you know what will happen to …, and can it be ….?
- Do you have …?
speak; good deed I can do for you; your country (denmark); prevented; hidden treasures under the earth
(scene 1) before cock crows, ghost was about to say something:
a story untold
(scene 1) Marcellus’s words about Christmas indicate how
deeply religious Denmark is
(scene 1) Horatio wants to tell …. of what they’ve seen → act of …; it’s a hard thing, indicating that Horatio is a …, …
Hamlet; duty; loyal; good friend
(scene 2) scene 2 takes place at …., so events are …, …, and …
court; official; recorded; legit;
(scene 2) Denmark’s idea of …. exhibited through court
(scene 2) Claudius’s 1st …. since King Hamlet died, … moment
address to nation; difficult
(scene 2) flourish:
trumpet intro
(scene 2) green memory:
fresh, recent
(scene 2) “Yet so far hath discretion fought with nature/ That we with wisest sorrow think on him/ Together with remembrance of ourselves.” Claudius is saying: best way to remember King Hamlet is to
think of King Claudius; instead of mourning, praise Claudius
(scene 2) claudius: “Imperial jointress to this warlike state” reminding everyone that they are about to
go to war
(scene 2) dirge
funeral song
(scene 2) “As ‘twere with a defeated joy,/ With an auspicious and a dropping eye,/ With mirth in funeral and with dirge in marriage, In equal scale weighting delight and dole” Claudius presenting the
perfect contradiction of himself
(scene 2) Prince F. thinks Denmark is vulnerable because
King Hamlet died
(scene 2) Prince Fortinbras is asking Denmark to …
surrender the land they won from Norway
(scene 2) King Claudius responds to Fortinbras’s request by …. to his … and …
writing; old; powerless uncle
(scene 2) … and … sent with message
Voltemand; Cornelius
(scene 2) Laertes wants to ask a question and King Claudius barely …, King Cl. is a …
lets him speak; bully
(scene 2) Laertes wanted to go back to …, apparently came back for ….–> he is … as he is not mentioning …
France; King Claudius’s coronation; kissing up; King Hamlet
(scene 2) Laertes is a
Francophile and sycophant
(scene 2) Hamlet: shakespeare’s most …, smarter than … in which he was …
intelligent character; work; written
(scene 2) aside: moment in which character says something
only audience can hear
(scene 2) “cousin” (Cl. calls Ham. this): shorthand of …., just means …
people related to you; relative
(scene 2) Hamlet: “A little more than kin and less than kind.” means
we might be related but we’re not the same type
(scene 2) any act of aggression toward king was equal to .., could result in …., reason why Hamlet had to use ….
treason; hamlet’s death; underhanded insults
(scene 2) royal colors of Denmark: … this is what … wears
scarlet & gold; King Claudius
(scene 2) Gertrude wearing a version of a
wedding dress
(scene 2) Hamlet is dressed head to toe in … → ….
black; mourning clothes
(scene 2) Hamlet’s clothing makes him … from …
visually distinct; family
(scene 2) Hamlet’s clothing: shows he’s the only one who’s …, everyone else is ….→might make Gertrude …., Cl. would be reminded that he ….
mourning; celebrating life without King Hamlet; guilty; shouldn’t be king
(scene 2) Cl. says that Hamlet’s grief is …, …, and a ….
stupid; unmanly; fault against nature
(scene 2) Cl. wants Hamlet to stay near so that he can …. so as to reign in ….
watch him; threat of Hamlet stealing back throne
(scene 2) Hamlet’s existence is a threat to concept of
King Cl. as legitimate king
(scene 2) “I shall in all my best obey you, madam” Hamlet only …. when he says he will obey
addresses his mother
(scene 2) … are fired when kings drink
(scene 2) Hamlet’s soliloquy: … on stage, speaking for …., moment when character can …. for audience; Hamlet says his body is …, …, he wants to ….
alone; long time; bare their soul; ruined; dirty; will himself to death