18-20 Flashcards
(Ch. 18) Victor cannot bring himself to
fulfill his promise
(Ch. 18) Victor finds that to compose a female he would again need to devote several months to … and …
profound study; laborious disquisition
(Ch. 18) Victor heard of discoveries made by an … that were material to his success
English philosopher
(Ch. 18) Victor was generally in better … and …, but when he was overcome by melancholy, he would take refuge alone in a …, watching the …, listening to the … of …
health; spirits; little boat; clouds; rippling; waves
(Ch. 18) Victor’s father believes his misery is due to the fact that Victor may not want to …, that he might be in … with … and views Elizabeth as a …
marry Elizabeth; love; another woman; sister
(Ch. 18) Victor’s father asks him if he would be willing to …
marry Elizabeth immediately
(Ch. 18) To Victor, the idea of marrying Elizabeth immediately brought him … and … due to the fact that he still had to …
horror; dismay; fulfill his promise
(Ch. 18) Victor needed to … or enter into a long … with the … to learn what they knew that would help him in his undertaking
go to England; correspondence; English philosophers
(Ch. 18) Victor calls the creation of another human an …
unearthly occupation
(Ch. 18) Victor does not want to make the human at …. He is worried that his family would discover what he is doing too
his father’s house
(Ch. 18) Victor says that while making the human, he must … from all he loved
absent himself
(Ch. 18) Victor tells his dad that he would first like to …, but doesn’t explain why. His father is glad to hear that Victor would be capable of taking pleasure in a journey.
Victor says that his “absorbing melancholy” resembled …
visit England; madness
(Ch. 18) Victor would stay in England for …. or at most …
a few months; a year
(Ch. 18) Victor’s father arranged that … would join Victor at …
Clerval; Strasburgh
(Ch. 18) Victor is happy that Clerval will be with him, though he worries it would interfere with his solitude, because he thinks that it would cause the creature to
leave him alone
(Ch. 18) Victor’s marriage with Elizabeth would occur
part of the reason for this is that Victor’s father is
immediately upon his return; old
(Ch. 18) Victor was worried about leaving his friends … from the creature’s …, but his impulses tell him that the creature would …
unprotected; attacks; follow him
(Ch. 18) It was around the end of … when Victor left for England
(Ch. 18) Elizabeth is the one who arranged for Clerval to be with him. Elizabeth was filled with … at the idea of Victor’s suffering away from her
(Ch. 18) Victor ordered that his … should be packed to go with him. He couldn’t focus on the beauty of the land, but was taunted by thoughts of the work that would occupy him
chemical instruments
(Ch. 18) Victor waited … for Clerval to join him
two days
(Ch. 18) Clerval was very …, unlike Victor
joyful and alive
(Ch. 18) Clerval says that the spirit that inhabits England and guards it has a soul more in harmony with … than those who pile the glacier
(Ch. 18) Victor says Clerval was a being formed in the
very poetry of nature
(Ch. 18) They arrive in Britain in
the latter days of December
(Ch. 18) they saw …, a steeple of London
the Tower
St. Paul’s
(Ch. 18) Victor feels himself to be the … of his creature
(Ch. 18) Victor and Clerval meet at Strasbourg and travel by … through … and …, to England
boat; Germany; Holland
(Ch. 19) Victor felt that there was a barrier placed between him and his fellow-men, stating that it was sealed with the blood of … and …
William; Justine
(Ch. 19) Clerval reminds Victor of himself. Clerval wanted to visit …, knowing their various languages, with the desire to materially assist the progress of …
India; European colonisation and trade
(Ch. 19) Victor compares the tortue of collecting the materials necessary for his creation to … continually dropping on his head
single drops of water
(Ch. 19) Victor and Clerval received a letter from someone in … who had visited them in Geneva. He mentioned the beauty of the land and asked if they would like to prolong their journey as far north as .., where he lived.
Scotland; Perth
(Ch. 19) they had arrived in England at the beginning of … and it was … when they got the letter, and they decided that they would head north after another …
October; February; month
(Ch. 19) They left London on the … of …
27th; March
(Ch. 19) They went to …, and then proceeded to … where they remembered …
Windsor; Oxford; King Charles I
(Ch. 19) Victor compares himself to a …, saying that he is still alive to exhibit what he would soon stop being–a miserable spectacle of …, pitiable to others, and intolerable to himself
blasted tree; wrecked humanity
(Ch. 19) They visited the tomb of … and the field on which he fell. Victor says that his soul was momentarily elevated to contemplate the divine ideas of… and …
Hampden; liberty; self-sacrifice
(Ch. 19) After Oxford, they went to … which reminded Victor of …, which he hated and made him want to flee
Matlock; Chamounix
(Ch. 19) They spent two months in … and … and Clerval says he could pass his life there
Cumberland; Westmoreland
(Ch. 19) Victor was happy when they finally made their way to their friend’s house in Scotland because he had delayed his promise too long. He worried that the creature would … his family or even … if he followed him
murder; Clerval
(Ch. 19) Victor would follow CLerval to make sure he was safe. Victor says that he felt as if he committed a great crime and that he brought down a … upon his head even though he was …
horrible curse; guiltless
(Ch. 19) Victor told Clerval that he wished to tour Scotland
(Ch. 19) Victor goes to a remote Scottish island to work. It is a place with barren soil, and five poor people living there. Bread and vegetables had to be gained from the …
main land
(Ch. 19) In London, Clerval occupies himself with visits to … and …men
learned; illustrious
(Ch. 19) To Victor, Clerval is the image of his …, full of excitement and curiosity
younger self
(Ch. 19) Victor’s horror increases daily, in contrast to the enthusiasm with which he undertook his first experiment. VIctor looks upon the new creation with a mix of hope and obscure forebodings of
(Ch. 20) Victor contemplates his task and realizes that the female may be 10,000 times more malignant than the creature, and may delight in … and …
murder; wretchedness
(Ch. 20) Victor realizes that the creature had sworn to quit humanity, but she had not, and she might … to comply with the agreement that they had made before her existence
(Ch. 20) Victor thinks about the possibility that they would hate one another for their appearances, and that she would quit his company for the … of man, and the creature would be alone, deserted by one of his own species
(Ch. 20) Victor imagines that they will want …,and a whole … of … would appear on earth would make the species of man a condition … and full of …
children; race; “devils”; precarious; terror
(Ch. 20) Victor worries that future ages would curse him as their
(Ch. 20) Victor looks up and see the creature, who was grinning. Victor … the creature he was making. The creature sees him do this and … in “devilish” … and …, withdrawing
tears apart; howls; despair; revenge
(Ch. 20) Victor vows that he would never …
continue making that creature
(Ch. 20) Victor hears the paddling of oars near the shore, and a person landing close to his house. He then heard the creaking of his door, and … enters
the creature
(Ch. 20) creature calls Victor …, and says that Victor is his …, but the creature is Victor’s …
slave; creator; master
(Ch. 20) Victor says that the creature’s threats make him more determined to break his promise. The creature promises that he will get …, and tells Victor to remember that he will be with him on his …
revenge; wedding night
(Ch. 20) Victor thinks that the creature intends to
kill him on his wedding night
(Ch. 20) Victor … at the thought that Elizabeth would be sorrowful when he died, and resolves that he would not fall before his enemy without a …
cries; bitter struggle
(Ch. 20) Victor receives letters from … and one from …, asking him to join him, saying that he was wearing away his time fruitlessly and that he received letters from those in London so that he could complete the negotiation for his Indian enterprise
Geneva; Clerval
(Ch. 20) Clerval has to leave to … to finish the negotations
(Ch. 20) Victor decides to leave with Clerval, and before he does, he gathers the pieces of the new creature and puts them in a basket, planning to … that night. In the meantime, he cleaned and arranged his chemical instruments
throw them in the sea
(Ch. 20) Victor believes that to make another creature would be an act of the basest and most atrocious …
(Ch. 20) Victor falls asleep in his boat and gets lost, but after several hours he sees land. He goes to the town, and the … people greet him rudely, and call him a …
Irish; villain
(Ch. 20) The people tell him that he must go to …, a magistrate, to give an account of the … of a …, who was …
Mr. Kirwin; death; gentleman; murdered