achievemtn motivation Flashcards
achievemnt motiavtion
how much desire player havs to keep on trying to succeed
NACH performer
need to achieve
welcome to competition, willing to play against people eual to or above them as risk of losing, but higher pride and satisfaction of wiinn9ing, stron incentive to win
confident as believe in their own ability
take risks, attmept more difficult route as more satifcaiton when complete
task persisitanct, will keep on tryaing even when fail first time
NAF performer
need to avoid failure
take safe abd secure options rather then risky ones ‘
give up easily, will not have second go if fail first time
do not liek to damage their self esteem when losing
take easy options
play either someone easy to beat or team top of table so cab maintain self esteem by either losing against hardest team or easy win#
drive to succedd-fear of failure
how can coach make sure players take a NACH approach
reinforement and reards so motivatied to keep doing well, task persistnce
goal setting
beleif in ability to master a task
trait confience
consistent level of confidence showon in most situaions where player is happy to take part and anxiety is low
state confidence
specific situation such as taking pentaly
self effcacy
beleif ina ability to master a specific sporting situation
perfroamcne accomplishements-based on ast experinces
what performer has achied already
e.g jumper who easily jumped 1.60 in training easily eels confident to jump it in competition
e.g team who beat naother team 6-0 will feel confident of beatign same team again in cup
vicarious experinecs-watching others do task
people being watched=refered to as model
better is model is pecivedd to have simialr ability to performer
verbal persuasion-encouragment from others
e.g cpach gies confidence to repeat successful attempt
encourgament from others more significant if comes from those who hold self estee such as coach
emotional arousal-perception of effects of anxiety on performance
keeping calm and maintainign your control when close to getting big win
insetad of,what if we lose it now’
better judgment of perception=we got this only in to go
wyas to imporve confidence
give accurate demosnrtatipn
give support and encourgament
home field avantage
balamce between confidence and anxiety
influence of home crowd can increase confidecen in home team and cause anxiety for away team
familiary of home enviroment can mean more games won at home then away
home crowd can also engaitvly impact home team due to increased pressure causing reduction in performance
hom crowd can negativly effect away team due to hsotile chanting
soemone who infleunces you to achieving your goals
emergent leader
leader from within the existing group
prescibed leader
leader who is appointed from ouside of group
bring in new ideas
leader quanilite
interpersonal skills