What do external forms of social control do?
Aim to ensure we conform to social control and keep to its rules
How does society achieve these aims?
Agencies of social control
What system contains several agencies of social control
The criminal justice system
What do the criminal justice system have power of with social control?
To use legal formal sanctions against individuals in an attempt to conform to society’s laws
What do the police have the power to do?
Stop and search, arrest, detain and question suspects
What do the CPS have the power to do?
Charge a suspect and prosecute them in court
What do judges and magistrates have the power to do?
Bail the accused or remand them in custody and sentence the guilty to a variety on punishments
What does the prison service have the power to do?
Detain prisoners against their will for duration of sentence, punish prisoners’ misbehaviour
What do all the agencies use to ensure people abide by the law?
Coercion and fear of punishment
What is coercion?
The threat of force in order to made someone do or stop doing something
What can force involve?
Physical and psychological violence, or other forms of pressure
What are examples of coercion?
Negative sanctions of the criminal justice system e.g. sending someone to prison for stealing- aims to prevent further offending
What is the fear of punishment?
Involved the threat that force will be used against you if you do not obey the law
What is an example of fear of punishment?
If you commit an offence, you may be arrested, charged, convicted and jailed against your will
What is it called where there is a use of punishment as a threat to stop people offending?
What are the two key assumptions for deterrence?
Individual and general deterrence
What is an individual deterrence?
A punishment imposed on offenders in order to deter them away from committing future crimes
What is a general deterrence?
The fear of punishments prevents others from committing similar offences
What is an example of a general deterrence?
A lengthy prison sentence allows others to see the potential consequences
What is an example of an individual deterrence?
A suspended sentence or conditional discharge- where there are other more serious consequences for further offending