What is made in parliament?
majority of law in England and Wales is made in Parliament by process of consultation
What three parts is parliament made of?
House of Commons, House of Lords and Monarch
How many members make up the House of Commons?
650 MP’s voted by public
What are members of the House of Lords called?
How many members of House of Lords are there?
800 peers
What is the main job of House of Lords?
Act as a ‘double check’ on new laws
How many hereditary peers today?
95 as well as individuals who have been appointed Lords e.g Lord Sugar
What role does the Monarch have in law-making?
Only a formal role
What does the Monarch do to the new law?
Gives Royal Assent (agreement) to law
How is a new law created?
Most proposals come from the government
What is a proposal for a new law called?
A Bill
What must a Bill be approved by in order to become laws?
Houses of Parliament and receive Royal Assent
What is another word for a law?
Act of Parliament
What is Green Paper?
An initial report to provoke public discussion of the subjects e.g. knife crime, often includes questions for interested individuals and organisations to respond to
What is White Paper?
A document setting out their detailed plans for legislation e.g. prevent sales of knives to under 18s, often includes a version of the draft Bill they intend to put before Parliament
What 6 stages must a Bill go through to become law?
First Reading, Second Reading, Committee stage, Report stage, Third Reading, Royal Assent
What is the First Reading?
Where the name of the Bill and main aims read to the Commons and a formal vote is taken to move it to next stage
What is the Second Reading?
Where the main principles of Bill are debated and considered in House of Commons followed by another vote
What is the Committee stage?
Bill is examined in detail by a small committee of MP’s from different parties who then report back to whole House and suggest amendments (changes)
What is the Report stage?
MP’s consider committee’s report and debate and vote on amendments they may wish to make
What is the Third Reading?
Final change for Commons to debate the Bill’s contents, no amendments allowed and the House votes to either pass or reject the Bill
What is the Royal Assent?
Signing of the Bill