AC 2.3- sociological theories- structural theories- subcultural theories Flashcards
2 general points
-explains why juvenile delinquency has a collective/subcultural character- it is often committed as part of a gang/large group
-delinquency is malicious in nature+not linked to material/financial goals eg. vandalism
delinquent boys (4)
-young people’s main cultural goal is status+respect
-juvenile delinquency caused by a strain between cultural goals and the means of achieving them
-middle class boys get goals through parents+academic success
-working class boys are denied goals by wider society- arent given necessary skills
status frustration (2)
-poor access to good education+job opportunities left working class people frustrated with inability to achieve status
-they experienced a form of anomie- status frustration
subcultural response (3)
-response to status frustration
-developed delinquent subcultures, who reversed the norms of the dominant culture
-awarded each other status based on delinquency
clowed and ohlin- illegitimate opportunity structures
2 general points
-if working class people are denied legitimate opportunities they may turn to an illegitimate opportunity structure
-access to opportunities depends on availability of deviant subcultures in their area
clowed and ohlin- illegitimate opportunity structures
criminal subcultures (2)
-young people can be recruited into organised criminal subcultures
-these resemble businesses, where skilled people are promoted
clowed and ohlin- illegitimate opportunity structures
conflict subcultures
-inner city areas are dominated by territorial street gangs which engage in highly masculinised violence
clowed and ohlin- illegitimate opportunity structures
retreatist subcultures
-those who dont get access to criminal/conflict subcultures may form retreatist subcultures- mainly involves drug use
-shows how subcultures perform a function for their members by offering solutions to the problem of failing to legitimately achieve mainstream goals
2 limitations
-ignores crime of the wealthy, over-predicts amount of working class crime
-assumes everyone starts with mainstream goals, and turns to subculture when failing to achieve them. some dont share those goals in the first place- could be inclined to commit crimes for other reasons