AC 2.2- individualistic theories- cognitive theories Flashcards
yochelson and samenow- criminal cognition
general point
-studied whether a criminal’s cognition difffers to that of non-criminals
yochelson and samenow- criminal cognition
study procedure (3)
-longitudinal study (14 years) of 255 males determine criminality + thinking patterns
-some were convicted criminals, some were institutionalised
-used interviews based on psychoanalytical approaches to identify thinking errors present in the thought processes of criminals- identified 52 common thinking errors
yochelson and samenow- criminal cognition
study findings (3)
-criminals often have thinking errors+biases (lying, secretive, god complex)
-have errors in decision making (victim-blaming, lacking time perspective)
-criminals have a distorted self image+deny responsibility for their actions
yochelson and samenow- criminal cognition
study conclusions (2)
-criminals are in complete control of thinking+decisions
-criminality is the result of choices made by the individual- they show criminal thinking patterns
kohlberg- theory of moral development
general point
-used stories+questions to see how moral reasoning changed as people aged
kohlberg- theory of moral development
study procedure (2)
-asked moral dilemmas to children of different ages- interested in the reasons given for decisions being made, rather than whether the judgement was right/wrong
-sample of 10-16 year old boys- were followed up over 20 years at 3-year intervals
kohlberg- theory of moral development
stages of moral development- pre-conventional (4)
-simplistic way of thinking- only see right/wrong
-moral reasoning based on reward/punishment
-most criminals dont develop thinking past this
kohlberg- theory of moral development
stages of moral development- conventional (2)
-moral reasoning based on external ethics
-eg. law and order morality
kohlberg- theory of moral development
stages of moral development- post-conventional
-moral reasoning based on personal ethics
evaluation- yochelson and samenow
successful treatments (CBT) developed based on idea that criminals’ thought processes can be corrected with treatment
evaluation- yochelson and samenow
2 limitations
-no control group of non criminals to see if normal people also make same thinking errors
-unrepresentative sample- no women, most men in sample were insane- claimed all offenders share same thinking errors as the sample
evaluation- kohlberg
2 strengths
-study support to show delinquents are more likely to have immature moral development
-study support that theory is truer for crimes involving reasoning (theft) than violent crimes, which are often impulsive
evaluation- kohlberg
focuses on moral thinking rather than moral behaviour. people can be capable of thinking morally whilst acting immorally