Abdomen Flashcards
Where is the abdomen?
between the thorax and the pelvis
what is special about the abdomen?
flexible, houses most of the organs.
what contains the abdominal organs and their contents?
musculo-aponeurotic walls, the diaphragm, and the muscles of the pevlis.
what suspends the anterolateral musclo-aponeurotic walls?
two bony rings - the inferior margin of the thoracic skeleton superiorly and the pelvic girdle inferiorly
features of the abdominal walls
contract, distend, accommodate expansions caused by ingestion, pregnancy, fat or pahtology
what is the peritoneum?
serous membrane that covers several organs lying agains the posterior wall
the peritoneum reflects on the?
abdominal viscera
examples of abdominal viscera?
stomach, intestine, liver and spleen
what is the peritoneal cavity?
space formed between the walls and viscera.
the abdominal cavity forms what?
the superior and major part of the abdominopelvic cavity.
what is the abdominopelvic cavity?
cavity extending from the thoracic diaphragm and pelvic diaphragm.
the abdominal cavity has no what? and why?
no floor because it is continuous with the pelvic cavity
what arbitrarily separates the abdominal and pelvic cavities?
the pelvic inlet
the abdominal cavity extends to where?
superiorly into the thoracic cage
the greater pelvis does what?
supports and partly protects the abdominal viscera
the abdominal cavity is the location for?
most digestive parts of the urogenital system and the spleen.
the transverse planes are also the?
subcostal planes, passing through the inferior border of the 10th costal cartilage on each side
where does the transtubercular plane pass?
through the iliac tubercles and the body of the L5 vertebra
the transpyloric plane is where?
midway between the manubrium and pubic symphysis
where is the interspinous plane?
passes through the ASIS
where is the transumbilical plane?
passes through the umbilicus
what are the nine abdominal areas?
RH - right hypochondrium, RL- right flank, RI - Right inguinal (groin), E- epigastric, U-Umbilical, P-Pubic
LH- left hypochondriac, LL- left flank, LI - left inguinal (groin)
Name the four abdominal quadrants
What is the in the RUQ?
Liver, gallbladder, stomach, duodenum 1-3, pancreas, kidney, ascending, transverse colon
what is the anterolateral abdominal wall?
indefinite boundary between the anterior and lateral walls. 7-10th cartilages, xiphoid process, inguinal ligament and the superior margins of the pelvic girdle.
what does the anterolateral abdominal wall consist of?
skin, subcutaneous tisse, deep fascia, fat, and parietal peritonuem.
What is in the LUQ?
liver, spleen, stomach, jejunum, pancreas, kidney, suprarenal gland, transverse and descending colon
what is in the RLQ?
cecum, appendix, ileum, ascending colon, ovary, uterine tube, ureter, uterus, urinary bladder
what is in the LLQ?
sigmoid colon, descending colon, ovary, uterine tube, ureter, uterus, urinary bladder.
what are the two layers of the subcutaneous tissue?
superficial fatty layer and the deep membranous layer.
what covers the three layers of the anterolateral abdominal wall and their aponeuroses?
superficial, intermediate, and deep layers of investing fascia.
what are aponeuroses?
flat expanded tendons
what is epimysium?
outer fibroud CT surrounding muscles
what is the endoabdominal fascia?
membranous and areolar sheets lining the abdominal wall
what is the transversalis fascia?
lining of the deep surface of the transversus abdominos muscle and its aponeurosis
parietal peritoneum is made up of what?
single layer of epithelial cells and supporting CT.
what are the five muscles in the anterolateral abdominal wall?
external oblique, internal oblique, transversus, abdominis, the large rectus abdominis, small pyramidalis.
what is the linea alba?
line extending from the xiphoid process to the pubic symphysis
what is the rectus sheath?
formed by the aponeuroses. it is tough, tendinous and aponeurotic. encloses the rectus abdonimis muscle.
what is the origin and insertion of the external oblique?
external surfaces of the 5th-12th ribs.
linea alba, pubic tubercle and anterior half of the iliac crest.
what is the innervation and action of the external oblique?
thoraco-abdominal nerves T7-T11 spinal nerves and subcostal nerve. it compresses and supports abdominal viscera. flexes and rotates trunk
what is origin and insertion of the internal oblique?
thorcolumbar fascia, anterior 2/3 of iliac crest, CT deep to lateral third of inguinal ligament.
inferior borders of 10th-12th ribs, linea alba, pecten pubis via conjoint tendon
what is the innervation and action of the internal oblique?
thoraco-abdominal nerves (anterior rami of T6-T12 spinal nerves) & first lumbar nerves.
it compresses and supports abdominal viscera. flexes and rotates trunk
what is the origin and insertion of the transversus abdominis?
internal surfaces of the 7th-12th costal cartilages, thoracolumbar fascia, iliac crest, CT deel to lateral third of inguinal ligament.
linea alba with aponeurosis of internal oblique, pubic crest, pecten pubis via conjoint joint.
what is the innervation and action of the transversus abdominis?
thoraco-abdominal nerves (anterior rami of T6-T12 spinal nerves) & first lumbar nerves.
compresses and supports abdominal viscera
what is the origin and insertion of the rectus abdominis?
pubic symphysis and pubic crest. xiphoid process and 5-7th costal cartilages
what is the innervation and action of the rectus abdominis?
thoraco-abdominal nerves (anterior rami of T6-T12 spinal nerves)
the external obliques aponeurosis attaches to?
pubic crest
where is the inguinal ligament?
crease between thigh and trunk. it is continuous with deep fascia of thigh.
what is a retinaculum?
retaining band.
where is the transversus abdominis?
innermost of the three flat muscles.
where is the neurovascular plane?
between internal oblique and transversus abdominis muscles.
what does the neurovascular plane contain?
nerves and arteries supplying the anterolateral abdominal wall. these lie mostly in the subcutaneous tissue
what is the pyramidalis?
small, insignificant triangular muscle. missing in 20% of ppl.
where is the pyramidalis?
anterior to the inferior part of the rectus abdominis. attaches to the pubis and pubic ligament. ends in the linea alba.
where is the major site of fat storage?
subcutaneous tissue of the fascia of the anterolateral abdominal wall