A5 - part 2 extra tutorials MSK Flashcards
proximal insertion of hamstrings
distal insertion of quadriceps
- HS; isichial tuberosity
- Q; patella and tibial tuberosity via patella tendon
pelvic brims divides what?
false & true pelvis
false and true pelvis ?
false pelvis = greater pelvis = superior pelvis
its just the superior part that includes the ileum etc
true pelvis is from the pubic symphysis down and outwards. aka lesser pelvis and inferior pelvis
obturator internus passes through ?
and piriformis ?
- main function of these muscles
- lesser sciatic foramen
- greater sciatic foramen
- lateral rotation
wiki images vv good
pelvis and peritoneum separated by what MUSCLE (hint)
levator ani
muscle that cover posterior pelvic wall
what passes through levator ani in males and females
males ; spermatic cord
females ; round ligament of uterus
urogenital diapragm ;
- aka
- what it attatches too?
- what structures pass through it
- perineal membrane
- penis/clitoris
- M; urethra , F; urethra & vagina
feature of shaft of femur?
- ant/posterior?
- nb for ?
linea aspera
- posterior
- insertion point for adductors muscles (note that when studied in more detail they will have other insertion points also)
meniscus of knee
- shape?
- menisci are made of?
- function?
- location
- shape ; c SHAPED, semi-lunar
- help spread the forces through the condyles and a slight cushioning effect - SHOCK ABSORBERS
- anterior part of the knee each on a SIDE. medial and lateral or R&L
collateral ligaments of knee;
- location
- function
- medial & lateral ;
- M; femur to tibia
- l; femur to fibula
function ; stabilise the knee
ACL and PCL function and location
ACL: prevent posterior displacement of femur on the tibia
PCL: prevent anterior displacement of the femur on the tibia
location: middle of the patella (ACL)
PCL: same position except posterior
boundaries of femoral triangle
what’s within the femoral triangle
LATERAL: sartorius ; superficial, ant muscle of thigh that runs inferior & medially
SUPERIOR: inguinal ligament
MEDIAL: abductor longus
2) Femoral VAN (medial to lateral direction) and femoral lymph and ?
hamstrings function at HIP
@ knee
- flexion
great saphenous vein run ant or post???
mainly medial SO on the cuff of ant & post
small saphenous just posterior
BOUNDARIES of popliteal fossa
hamstring muscles
- biceps femoris (most lateral)
- semitendinosus
- semimembranosus (most medial)
gastr0cnemius and soleus insert DISTALLY to ?
achiles tendon then ; CALCANEUS
DEEP MUSCLES, post compartment of leg functions
- TP; inversion with TA
- FDL ; Flexes digita 2-5
- FHL; flexes big toe/ hallux
blood supply to anterior part thigh
tibial artery
nerve supply of foot
- ant (99% of ) ; superficial fibular nerve
- post ; tibial nerve
deep fibular nerve only supplies half of digit 1 and 2
clavicle - features
sternal end, ACROMIAL end
biceps origins and insertions
tricep attatchments
proximal; long head; supraglenoid tubercle , short head ; coracoid process
distal ; radial tuberosity of radius
triceps ;
proximal; infraglenoid tubercle
distal; olecranon of ulna
what runs in bicipital groove
where is it ?
long tendon of biceps brachii
on humerus
what else runs ON humerus and in what groove
what else runs in this groove
RADIAL nerve in the radial groove
brachial artery
Coracoacromial ligament function
- prevents superior displacement of humerus
muscles bordering axilla anteriorly and posteriorly
post: lats dorsi
ant: pec major
brachial plexus cords order
muscles in anterior forearm/ flexors origin
muscles in posterior forearm/ extensors origin
- medial epicondyle
- lateral epicondyle (of HUMERUS )
WHAT movements does annular ligament assist
pronation and supination
deep flexor tendons
- aka
- function
- flexor digitorum profundus
- flex dip joints
nerve supply of dorsal and ventral interosseoi
uLNAR nerve
acetabular labrum: what is it
cartilage that surrounds the acetabulum
tibial plateau: where is it located and its contents
v top surface of tibia
- contains M&L condyles and intercondylar eminence
function of gluteus medius and minimus (2)
- ABduction
- keeps pelvis straight when we walking
hamstring ,muscles from medial to lateral:
action @ knee
action @ hip
biceps femoris
where does the SARTORIUS muscle originate from
ASIS of pelvis and runs inferomedially
femoral artery = a branch of:
external iliac artery
where does the Great Saphenous vein drain to
where does it start - at whoch malleolus
femoral vein
medial malleoulus
butt injection - safest in which quadrant
upper lateral to avoid the sciatic nerve
how does the femoral nerve enter the leg?
underneath the inguinal canal
makes sense considering the borders of the femoral triangle
revise all the arteries and veins
anatomy book
what carpal bone attatches to the tibia
Medial ligament of the foot aka
DELTOID ligament
how to distinguish between fibularis brevis and longus
by origins
where of they run fot the most part from the femur, i.e near fibula or tibia, M or L etc
longus: starts at the top of the femur, travels down to its distal insertion: medial cuneiform of the 1st metatarsal
brevis: covered by the longus for the most part. starts more distally by the femur. distal insertion is the 5th metatarsal
posterior to the LATERAL malleolus - fibula
identify the structures at the medial malleolus:
tibialis posterior
post tibial artery and veins
tibial nerve
flexor hallucis longus
flexor digitorum longus
what nerves cause INVERSION of the foot
muscles: TP & TA
thus whatever nerves innervate them: deep fibular and tibial nerve
anterior part of the foot is mainly supplied by what nerve
superficial fibular nerve!
what is the spermatic cord:
formed by the vas deferens with tissue layering it.
starts within the pelvis quite high up
wiki images is v good
eg. one of the layers comes from the aponeurosis of the external oblique muscle
costal and dorsal meanings
costal: anterior
dorsal: posterior
which tuberosity on the humerus is most laterally located
greater tuberosity
humerus: anatomical vs surgical neck
NB distinction on diagram
trochlea or capitulum = medial or lateral
trochlea = medial capitulum = lateral
this makes sense as trochlea of humerus and trochlear notch of ULNAR bone which is medial articulate
brachial plexus: rhyme
rude - roots tennagers - trunks drink - divisions crazy - cords (lateral, posterior, medial) naggins - nerves
biceps brachii action at forearm
SUPINATION very minimal contribution
ant: flexion and pronation
post: extension and supination
brachial artery splits into
radial and ulnar artery
use of median cubital vein
venepuncture - taking blood
deep flexor tendons function
lumbricals function
- flexion of DIP joints
- flexion of MCP. extension of PIP and DIP joints
what do we find deep to the flexor retinaculum and what contents lie in this space
- carpal tunnel: median nerve and long flexor tendons
actions possible at the sacpulathoracic joint
elevation, depression, protraction, retraction, retraction
function of latisumus dorsi
muscle in the forearm
ant: pronator teres, flexor carpi radialis, flexor digitorum superficialis
post: abductor pollicis longus, extensor digitorum, extensor carpi ulnaris (extension of the