A2 Flashcards
What are some reasons for starting a personnel recall?
To bring personnel back to their duty section quickly (usually in one to two hours) to meet mission needs,
support a unit mobilization, protect resources, or practice unit response.
What is often used as a guide for developing an emergency action checklist?
Unit operational plans.
What is the main purpose for running an emergency action checklist?
To ensure all required actions are taken during an emergency situation.
Who serves as the central focal point for all accident or incident responses involving munitions
personnel or equipment?
Munitions control.
Of what must the door of a munitions control facility be constructed?
Solid wood or metal faced.
What is the control/maintenance key used for?
For disassembly and lock maintenance.
Why is master keying prohibited for high and low security locks?
It would degrade the security of the munitions assets.
Reserve stocks of high-security locks and cylinders require what type of control?
Reserve cylinders, keys, and assembled locks are kept in a safe, key box, or other suitable container, all of
which must be secured by a GSA-approved three-position combination lock.
Who authorizes personnel to issue and receive keys?
Munitions supervision.
What are you verifying when auditing locks, cylinders, and keys?
A physical check of each munitions maintenance and storage structure to verify that the installed locks are
the same as the padlock location shown on the AF Form 2427.
Within the munitions community, Plans and Scheduling personnel are most responsible for which
three programs?
(1) Awaiting maintenance (AWM).
(2) Awaiting parts (AWP).
(3) Time compliance technical order (TCTO).
What types of work orders are normally generated as a result of receiving a munitions time
compliance technical order (TCTO)?
AWM and AWP.
Who usually presides over the weekly scheduling meeting for a munitions organization?
The munitions squadron/flight chief.
Why does munitions control use the weekly flying schedule?
To inform the maintenance section on what type and how many munitions items are required and also to
direct line delivery drivers in accurately delivering these items on time.
What form is required for changes to the flying schedule if suggested during the daily scheduling
AF Form 2407.
What is the primary reason for using the Air Force Munitions Command and Control (AF MC2)
To maintain status and tracking of munitions activities on an installation.
Who is required to use AF MC2 SharePoint?
All munitions squadrons and flights supporting aircraft.
Who determines which MMHE information (if any) will be maintained in AF MC2 SharePoint?
Munitions supervision.
Although AF MC2 can capture captive flight hour data, what are the primary online databases
used to manage nonnuclear missiles?
Who is the sole accountable official for munitions assets at an Air Force location?
Who is normally the appointing official of the MASO?
Wing/installation commander or equivalent.
What computer database does the MASO use to maintain accountability of munitions assets and
also provides “real-time visibility” to higher headquarters?
What is the materiel required, besides mobility equipment and peacetime operating stock, to
support wartime activities?
War reserve materiel munitions.
Where are WRM assets stored?
They are prepositioned at operating bases, dispersed in the areas of responsibility, afloat on prepositioned
ships, at selected locations for air deployment, and at depots.
Which two documents make up the WCDO?
The detailed logistics allocation report and the tactical air missile program.
How does the MASO determine WRM munitions supportability?
By comparing on-hand balances to WRM allocations, and orders shortfalls to the requirements through the
requisitioning process.
What are starter stocks?
WRM, which are prepositioned in or near a theatre of operations to last until resupply at wartime rates is
What are swing stocks?
WRM, that is positioned ashore (overseas and stateside) or afloat for meeting war reserve requirements of more than one contingency in more than one theatre of operations.
What four munitions WRM positioning programs does the GAP integrate?
(1) The afloat prepositioned fleet.
(2) Standard air munitions packages (STAMP).
(3) Operational in-place theater stocks.
(4) CONUS stocks.
What does the MAJCOM do with all annual munitions forecasts from the units?
Collects and compiles the information; then, forwards the entire MAJCOM forecast to the GACP.
What is the primary means of requesting and allocating munitions required for training and
operational needs?
Annual munitions forecast.
What are the primary causes of munitions shortages?
Poor forecasting and overstatement of requirements.
What is a munitions allocation?
How much of a munitions item a command can expect to have for the designated fiscal year.