a14. Teip sa Scrúdú Tiomána Flashcards
In this picture, We see Seán outside the test centre and it’s clear that he is about to do his driving test.
Sa phictiúr seo, feicimid Seán taobh amuigh den ionad tástála agus is léir go bhfuil sé ar tí a scrúdú tiomána a dhéanamh.
His father is along with him and he wishes him good luck.
Tá a athair in éineacht leis agus guíonn sé ádh mór air.
Poor Seán looks nervous, it goes without saying.
Tá cuma neirbhíseach ar Sheán bocht, ní call a rá.
In this picture, the test is underway.
Sa phictiúr seo, tá an scrúdú faoi lán seoil.
Firstly, the examiner asks Seán a couple of questions about the rules of the road.
I dtús báire, cuireann an scrúdaitheoir cúpla ceist ar Sheán faoi rialacha an bhóthair.
Then, away with them in the car and we see Seán behind the steering wheel and the examiner beside him.
Ansin, ar aghaidh leo sa charr agus feicimid Seán taobh thiar den roth stiúrtha agus an scrúdaitheoir in aice leis.
In picture three, it’s clear that Seán is not paying enough attention to the road when he greets his friends who are going past.
I bpictiúr a trí, is léir nach bhfuil Seán ag tabhairt dóthain aire don bhóthar nuair a bheannaíonn sé dá chairde atá ag siúil thar bhráid.
The examiner isn’t too happy with the behaviour from Seán.
Ní mó ná sásta atá an scrudaitheoir leis an iompar seo ó Sheán.
He has the marking scheme in his hands.
Tá an scéim marcála in lámha aige.
In the blink of an eye, Seán’s car hits the car in front.
I bpreabadh na súl, buaileann carr Sheáin an carr atá chun tosaigh.
The driver of the other car gets a terrible fright as does Seán, the examiner and the other people present.
Baintear geit uafásach as tiománaí an ghluaisteáin eile chomh maith le Seán, an scrúdaitheoir agus na daoine eile atá i láthair.
Seán has made a total mess of the exam - the eejit.
Tá praiseach ceart déanta ag Seán den scrúdú - an t-amadán.
In this photo, the other driver calls the Guards and a Guard turns up without delay.
Sa phictiúr seo, cuireann an tiománaí eile fios ar na Gardaí agus tagann Garda amháin gan mhoill.
The backlight of his car is broken but thank God, there’s no serious damage done.
Tá cúlsholas a ghluaisteáin briste ach buíochas le Dia, níl aon damáiste dáiríre déanta.
The examiner explains to him that Seán was doing his test when the accident happened.
Míníonn an scrúdaitheoir dó go raibh a scrúdú ar siúl ag Seán nuair a tharla an timpiste.