A104 Airplane Performance Flashcards
What are the effects of Weight?
- Lower weight reduces fuel burn, thrust requirements, stalling speed, etc.
- As weight increases, overall aircraft performance decreases
Excess weight reduces performance by:
- Higher required takeoff speed
- Longer takeoff run
- Reduced rate and angle of climb
- Lower maximum altitude
- Shorter range
- Reduced cruising speed
- Reduced maneuverability
- Higher stalling speed
- Higher approach & landing speed
- Longer landing roll
Define Basic Empty Weight
The airframe, engines, and all items of operating
equipment that have fixed locations and are permanently installed in the aircraft.
It includes fixed ballast, hydraulic fluid, unusable fuel, and full engine oil.
Define Useful Load
Weight of the pilot, passengers, baggage, usable fuel, and
drainable oil
Define Max ramp weight
Total weight of loaded aircraft, includes all fuel. It is
heavier than takeoff weight due to fuel burned during the taxi and run-up ops.
What is the definition of Maximum takeoff weight?
The maximum allowable weight for takeoff
Standard weight for AV 100LL?
6.0lbs per gal
Standard weight for AV Oil?
7.5lbs per gal
Effects of Balance
The prime concern of balancing the aircraft is the fore and aft location of the
Center of Gravity (CG) along the longitudinal axis.
What is the Center of Gravity?
The balance point of an aircraft.
What is the Datum Line?
an imaginary vertical plane from which all arm measurements are taken.
Aft CG does what to Stall Speed?
Lowers stall speed.
Aft CG does what to cruise speed?
Higher cruise speed with less drag b/c less lift is required of the wings
Aft CG requires ______ downward force on the tail to maintain straight and level flight
Forward CG requires ______ downward force on the tail to maintain straight and level flight
Forward CG does what to Stall Speed?
Forward CG does what to stability?
More Stable
Forward CG does what to Cruise Speed?
Aft CG does what to stability?
Less stable
Method for determining the weight and balance of an aircraft?
Graphs and tables provided by the aircraft manufacturer
2 Biggest Factors for Weight at IFT
Aircrew Weight
Fuel Amount
When could Minimum Fuel be a problem?
Could be an Issue if:
* Very Heavy
* Low on Fuel
* Near or into the fuel
Lifting capacity of the a/c is based on what?
Depends upon the design of the wing, the speed at which the wing moves through the air, and the density of the air.
Where is air most dense?
Close to surface
Does less dense air give better or worse performance?
Worse performance.
3 main characteristics of air that directly affect aircraft
Air Pressure
Higher air temperature equals
Lower air density
Lower air density means
Decreased a/c performance
Is water vapor heavier or lighter than air?
Dry air does what to performance?
Better performance versus high humidity
Of the performance factors, which is the least signifcant?
Standard Sea Level Barometric Pressure
Standard Sea Level Temperature:
15 C
Standard Relative humidity:
Standard temperature lapse rate:
2°C decrease / 1,000 feet altitude increase
Standard pressure lapse rate:
1 inch Hg decrease / 1,000 feet altitude increase
What is Pressure Altitude?
The height in
the ISA that corresponds to currently sensed pressure around the aircraft.
The height above (or below) the standard datum plane
Low altimeter settings are ______ for performance?
What is density altitude?
- Pressure altitude corrected for nonstandard temperature variations
(Increased temp will increase DA) - Equals pressure altitude in a standard atmosphere
What is Landing roll distance?
The distance from touchdown (TD) until the
airplane comes to a stop by using the recommended braking technique
What is Landing Distance?
To clear a 50 foot obstacle, cumulative distance from
beginning of runway to when the landing roll is completed
What is the Best Rate of Climb (VY??
The speed that delivers the greatest gain in altitude in
the shortest possible time.
What is Best Angle of Climb (VX)
The speed that delivers the greatest gain of altitude in the shortest possible horizontal distance.