A1 — Time Flashcards
after (preposition)
When something happens later than something else.
afternoon (noun)
The time after lunch but before dinner.
ago (adverb)
In the past, before now.
April (noun)
The month when spring flowers start to bloom.
at the same time (idiom)
When two things happen together.
August (noun)
A hot summer month when many people go on vacation.
autumn (noun)
The season when leaves turn orange and fall from trees.
before (preposition)
When something happens earlier than something else.
century (noun)
A very long time - one hundred years.
date (noun)
The number that tells us what day it is.
day (noun)
The bright time when the sun is in the sky.
December (noun)
The month when winter starts and Santa comes.
during (preposition)
While something is happening.
early (adjective)
When something happens before the usual time.
evening (noun)
The time when the sun goes down.
February (noun)
The month when we make valentines.
Friday (noun)
The last school day before the weekend.
half past one, two, etc. (idiom)
When the clock’s big hand points to six.
hour (noun)
The time it takes for the big clock hand to go all the way around.
in (preposition)
Being inside something or during some time.
in the morning (idiom)
The time after we wake up but before lunch.
January (noun)
The first month of the year when it’s very cold.
July (noun)
The hot month in the middle of summer.
June (noun)
The month when school usually ends for summer.
just (adverb)
A very short time ago.
last (determiner)
The one that came before this one.
late (adjective)
After the time you should be somewhere.
late (adverb)
After the usual or right time.
March (noun)
The month when spring begins.
May (noun)
The month when flowers are blooming everywhere.
midnight (noun)
When it’s 12 o’clock at night and everyone’s sleeping.
minute (noun)
A short time, when the big clock hand moves one mark.
moment (noun)
A very short bit of time.
Monday (noun)
The first day of school after the weekend.
month (noun)
About four weeks of time together.
morning (noun)
The time when we wake up and the sun comes up.
never (adverb)
Not at any time, not ever.
night (noun)
The dark time when we go to sleep.
November (noun)
The month when we say what we’re thankful for.
October (noun)
The month when we dress up for Halloween.
often (adverb)
When something happens many times.
on (preposition)
Something sitting or happening at a certain time or place.
o’clock (adverb)
When the clock’s big hand points to 12.
past (preposition)
After a certain time on the clock.
period (noun)
A chunk of time that has a start and end.
present (adjective)
Happening right now.
quarter (noun)
Fifteen minutes of time.
Saturday (noun)
A day when we don’t have school and can play.
second (noun)
A tiny bit of time, shorter than a minute.
September (noun)
The month when we go back to school.
sometimes (adverb)
Not always but not never.
spring (noun)
The season when flowers grow and baby animals are born.
summer (noun)
The warm season when we don’t have school.
Sunday (noun)
The last day of the weekend before school starts again.
Thursday (noun)
The day before Friday.
time (noun)
What we count with clocks and calendars.
today (adverb)
This day right now.
today (noun)
The day that’s happening right now.
tomorrow (adverb)
The day after today.
tomorrow (noun)
The next day that’s coming.
tonight (noun)
The night that’s part of today.
Tuesday (noun)
The day after Monday.
usually (adverb)
What happens most of the time.
Wednesday (noun)
The day in the middle of the school week.
week (noun)
Seven days all together.
weekend (noun)
Saturday and Sunday when we don’t have school.
winter (noun)
The cold season when snow falls.
year (noun)
The time it takes to go from one birthday to the next.
yesterday (adverb)
The day before today.
yesterday (noun)
The day that just finished before today.