A1 — Games and toys Flashcards
ball (noun)
A round thing you can throw, catch, or kick when playing.
computer game (noun)
A fun activity you play on a computer or tablet.
fun (noun)
Something that makes you happy and laugh.
game (noun)
An activity you do with friends or alone that has rules and is enjoyable.
lose (verb)
When you don’t win in a game or contest.
play (verb)
To do something fun, like with toys or friends.
player (noun)
A person who takes part in a game.
quiz (noun)
A game where you answer questions to see what you know.
rule (noun)
Something you must do or not do when playing a game.
team (noun)
A group of people playing together in a game.
turn (noun)
When it’s your chance to do something in a game.
video game (noun)
A game you play on a TV or computer screen using buttons.
win (verb)
To be the best or first in a game or contest.