A1 — Hobbies Flashcards
activity (noun)
Something fun or interesting you do.
art (noun)
Pretty or interesting things people make, like pictures or sculptures.
cooking (noun)
Making food by mixing ingredients and heating them.
dance (noun)
Moving your body to music in a fun way.
dance (verb)
To move your body to music.
dancer (noun)
A person who likes to dance and is good at it.
dancing (noun)
Moving your body to music for fun or as a job.
hobby (noun)
Something fun you like to do in your free time.
interest (noun)
Something you really like and want to learn more about.
music (noun)
Nice sounds that people make with their voices or instruments.
painting (noun)
Making colorful pictures using paint and brushes.
reading (noun)
Looking at words in books or on screens and understanding them.
relax (verb)
To rest and feel calm.
shopping (noun)
Going to stores to buy things you need or want.
writing (noun)
Making words and stories using a pencil, pen, or computer.