A1 — Language Flashcards
adjective noun
A word that tells us more about a thing or person, like big, small, or happy.
adverb noun
A word that tells us how something is done, like quickly or slowly.
alphabet noun
The letters we use to make words, from A to Z.
countable adjective
Something we can count, like apples or toys.
count noun noun
A word for things we can count, like cats or books.
English noun
The language we’re speaking right now!
form (noun)
The way a word looks or sounds to show if it means one or many, or when something happens.
form verb
To make or create something.
French noun
A language people speak in France.
future noun
The way we talk about things that haven’t happened yet.
German noun
A language people speak in Germany.
grammar noun
The rules for using words to make sentences.
infinitive noun
The basic form of a verb, like “to run” or “to play”.
Italian noun
A language people speak in Italy.
language noun
The words and sounds we use to talk to each other.
negative adjective
Saying “no” or that something isn’t true.
noun noun
A word for a person, place, or thing.
paragraph noun
A group of sentences that talk about one idea.
past adjective
Something that already happened.
past noun
The time that has already happened, like yesterday.
phrasal verb noun
A verb with extra words that change its meaning, like “wake up”.
phrase noun
a small group of words that mean something special when we put them together.
plural noun
More than one of something.
plural adjective
Talking about more than one thing.
positive adjective
Saying “yes” or that something is true.
practice verb
To do something many times to get better at it.
preposition noun
A word that shows where or when, like “in” or “on”.
present noun
The time that’s happening now.
present tense noun
The way we talk about things happening now.
pronoun noun
A word we use instead of a name, like “he” or “she”.
pronunciation noun
The way we say words out loud.
sentence noun
A group of words that makes a complete thought.
singular noun
Just one of something.
singular adjective
Talking about just one thing.
Spanish noun
A language people speak in Spain and many other countries.
spell verb
To say or write the letters in a word.
spelling noun
The right way to write words using letters.
subject noun
The main person or thing we’re talking about in a sentence.
tense noun
The way we show when something happens in a sentence.
uncountable adjective
Something we can’t count, like water or air.
uncount noun noun
A word for things we can’t count, like milk or sand.
verb noun
A word that shows an action or state, like “run” or “be”.
vocabulary noun
All the words we know and use.
word noun
A group of letters that means something when we say or write it.