A1- crime statistics Flashcards
what are the 3 main ways in crime can be measured in society ?
- official crime statistics.
- victim surveys
- self - report
what are official statstics ?
Official statistics are statistics published by government agencies or other public bodies such as international organizations as a public good.
How is data gathered for official statistics ?
Official statistics are collected by governemnt agencies with crime data primarily gathered by the police. Official statistics consist of data that provide an overview of crime rates and trends
what are the advantages of using official statistics to measure crime ?
- easy and cheap access
- reliable and verifiable
- allows for comparison between groups
- few ethical issues no direct contact between groups
what are the disadvantages of using official statistics to measure crime ?
- not always accurate because they rely on crime that is actually reported and recorded by official bodies
- there are many crimes that go undetected , unreported and unrecorded.
- refer to as the dark figure of crime
what is the dark figure of crime ?
The dark figure of crime refers to the amount of unreported or undiscovered crime.
what are victim surveys ?
victim surveys are surveys that ask respondents of their experiences of crime in a given time period.
how is data gathered for victim surveys ?
victim surveys rely on random probability sampling
what are the advantages of using victim surveys to measure crime ?
- reliable
- allows us to get the hidden figure of crime.
- The sample is selected to represent the population
- provides data on unreported crime.
what are the disadvantages of using victim surveys to measure crime ?
- does not include all police - recorded crimes
- unreliable , data hard to analyse and categorise
- It does not trach the crimes that impact American youth
what are self - report surveys ?
self - report surveys are a questionnaire that ask individuals about their criminal behaviours.
how is data gathered for self - report surveys ?
Data is gathered for self - report surveys through questionarres, interviews and diaries
what are the advantages of using self report surveys to measure crime ?
- cost - effective and easy for administration , allowing for a distribution to a large number of participants at a low cost.
-quickly and speedy data collection - possibility for online surveys has made data collection easier
- can be used to assess self - regulated learning.
what are the disadvantages of using self - report surveys ?
- fixed choice questions
- lack of flexibility
- forces people to answer lowers validity
- question may be misunderstood/