A: Management and Shipmasterd Business Flashcards
What is a Bill of Lading?
What are its 3 functions?
A document issued by a carrier to acknowledge receipt of goods for shipment. It is transferable and serves 3 functions:
1) A receipt issued by the carrier to the shipper for goods loaded. Notes the quality and quantity of goods received.
- clean bill of lading (no discrepancies between declaration of shipper)
- dirty bill of lading (discrepancies in quality and quantity)
- said to contain (unable to ascertain)
2) Evidence of the contract of carriage between the shipper and the carrier. Rules such as Hague visby rules may apply to the bill of lading
3) It is a transferable document of title / ownership of the goods.
What is the role of class?
Class has accumulation of empirical maritime knowledge, technology and a global network of resources which it uses to promote maritime safety and pollution prevention.
Classification societies provide:
Statutory Services on behalf of Contracting States as recognised organisations
Technical Expertise and Assistance to maritime industry and regulatory bodies.
What Class Organisations are recognised by AMSA?
Marine Orders Part 1: Administration
ABS - American Bureau of Shipping DNV GL - Des Norske Veritas Germanishcer Lloyd BV - Bureau Veritas LR - Lloyds Register CCS - China Classification Society Rina - KR - Korean Register Nippon Kaiji Kyokai
What Classification Societies are recognised by AMSA?
ABS - American Bureau of shipping DNVGL - Des Norske Veritas Germanishcer Lloyd BV - Bureau Veritas LR - Lloyds Register CCS - China Classification Society KR - Korean Register Nippon Kaiji Kyokai Rina -
What is the role of Class in terms of Classification?
It is the classification of the vessels Hull and Machinery, and verification of the following.
1) The vessel is structurally sound and strong enough to withstand perils of operating at sea, and its hull and appendages have watertight integrity.
2) The Vessels Machinery; propulsion, steering, power generation, boilers and auxiliary system are reliable, fit for their intended purpose.
Class will issue a class certificate that verifies the seaworthiness of the vessel these respects.
What Documents are you required to have when joining as a Master?
COC: including Vessel Type Endorsement, Functional Endorsements & STCW Endorsements
i) Adv IGF, Tanker Famil, ECDIS Generic / Type, Survival Craft, Advanced Fire, Medical Care, Security Awareness Training, Ships Security Officer if designated in the Ships Security Plan.
Certificate of Medical Fitness.
GMDSS Radio Operators Certificate.
- Passport.
What are the initial reporting requirements for a marine incident with AMSA?
Form 18 within 4 hours.
This is an initial report.
Vessel Details, Masters Name, Company and Person responsible, Time, Voyage, Position, Class of Vessel, Operating Area, Type of Incident, Description of Incident.
What Reporting Requirements are required of an incident after an initial report by AMSA?
Form 19 within 72 hours. Detailed Report.
All information required in Form 18; as well as:
Weather Condition, POB, Cargo, Vessel Activity at time of Incident, Incident description - causes - consequences - diagrams, details of affected persons, treatment and injuries.
What Legislation sets our Incident Reporting Requirements for an Australian Vessel?
- Navigation Act 2012
- OHS Act 1993 (accidents or dangerous occurences)
- Transport Safety Act 2003
- Marpol (Through Protection of the Sea Act 1983)
You are joining a Liberian Flagged Vessel. You have Phillipino Crew, Ukranian Deck Officers and You and the C/E are Australian, What Certificates would they have?
- Their Certificate of Competence issued by their Flag State, with any Endorsements required for the ship / duties they are assigned.
- Medical Certificate.
- Endorsement of Recognition from the Flag State Administration of the vessel
What is a Condition of Class: What Three things are noted?
Condition of Class is issued by a classification society for a deficiency of a vessel meeting it’s survey requirements.
1) What item has been issued with a CC
2) What way the deficiency must / may be rectified
3) The time period in which it is to be rectified.
What are the 6 Main conditions of assignment of a Loadline?
- Adequate Freeboard to provide reserve buoyancy
- Adequate Strength of the Hull
- Ability to shed water of Decks
- Safety and Protection of the Crew
- Means of permanently closing weather side openings on the freeboard deck, and means of closing watertight openings below the freeboard deck.
- Subdivision of the hull to ensure damage stability when one or more compartments are flooded.
What are the 4 Main Conventions?
SOLAS 1974 – Safety of Life at Sea
STCW 1995 (Manilla Amendments) – Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers
MARPOL 1973 (Protocols 1978 1997) – Prevention of Pollution from Ships
MLC 2006 – Maritime Labour Convention
What is the Nav Act?
• Applies to Ships Registered in Australia. IE Those on the AISR (Australian International Shipping Register). As well as Foreign Vessels in Australian Waters or Ports.
• Provides the legislative power for Australia to implement International Conventions developed by
• Sets up a Frame work for what all the major conventions cover.
Survey and Certification, Construction, Crewing, Qualifications, OHS, Cargo Handling, Passengers, Marine
• The Act allows for legislation to be delegated in the form of regulations Marine Orders
How Are Conventions Implemented?
Conventions are International Law.
They are ratified by IMO - the maritime organ of the United Nations
IMO does not enforce Conventions, they are enforced by the national legislation of flag states.
Conventions are passed into national legislations in Australia Using the NAV ACT and MARINE ORDERS
What is duty of Care?
The legal obligation to:
- Eliminate risks to health and safety as far as reasonably practicable, or if not reduce those risks as far as possible.
- Not act or operate in a way which puts the health and safety of persons at risk.
- Employees and Employers have a duty of care under the OH&S Act
What powers does an OH&S Representative have?
Must have had accredited (seacare) OHS Representative training.
Represents a designated work group.
- Must stop work that is immediately unsafe / take appropriate action to ensure safety. Can cease work until it is safe. Must notify supervisor and person in charge.
-Inspect workplace if it is believed to be unsafe, or reasonable notice has been given, or investigate complaints made by the DWG.
-Ask Inspectorate (AMSA) to conduct an investigation / inspection (but must notify the master).
-Accompany and inspectorate (AMSA) when they are doing an inspection.
-May issue PIN Notice.
Who can Issue a PIN?
An Inspector (AMSA) or and OH&S Representative.
What is a PIN?
A Provisional Improvement Notice: A statutory notice that requires a party/person to take a certain action tor rectify a contravention of the OHS Act or Regulations.
This applies to breaches that are likely to be repeated, but do not warrant a prohibition notice.
PIN must be rectified.
What can the inspector issue?
May issue, confirm, vary or cancel a PIN.
May issue a prohibition notice.
What is the purpose of the ISM code?
Provides and international standard for the safe management of the operation of ships and for the prevention of pollution. Safety at sea Prevention of injury / loss of life Prevention of damage to environment. Emergency Preparedness
What are the functional requirements of a safety management system?
Safety & Environment Policy
Instructions and Procedures to ensure safe operation and protection of environment in compliance with international and flag state legislation
Defined levels of authority and lines of comms amongst shore and shipboard personnel
Procedures for reporting accidents, non conformities with provisions of the code
Procedures for emergency situations
Procedures of internal audits and management reviews
What are the Safety Management Certificate and the Document of Compliance and how long are they valid for?
Issued to company to certify compliance with the ISM code
Valid for 5 Years
Certified copy held by ship. (ie 1 for entire company / e.g 1 per fleet)
Subject to annual survey
New Ship/type company – Interim DOC 12 month validity.
Issued after an initial verification that the ship has as an SMS and complies with it and ISM code; and must have a full term DOC
Full term certificate issued with a validity period of 5 years
Subject to an intermediate survey to take place between years 2 and 3
Subject to annual internal audits
Interim SMC issued for 6 months - New build, change of ownership etc.
Both may be withdrawn from a major non-conformity.
What is the DPA?
Stipulates that there must be a designated person to act as a conduit between the vessel and the company.
- Monitors safety and pollution prevention aspects of the ship. And ensures compliance with the ISM.
- Has a direct link / line of communication between the company and the vessel.
- Ensure there is adequate shore side support, resources and manning for the vessel.
What certificate is required to carry dangerous goods?
Document of Compliance to Carry Dangerous goods in packaged form,
Or if it is Bulk Dangerous goods, Document of Compliance to carry dangerous goods in bulk.
Issued under SOLAS II Reg 19: Construction / Dangerous goods.
Says vessel is suitably constructed.
Contains 2 x schedules:
- 1 List of DG that can be carried and their stowage location
- 2 Special requirements for the carriage of DG. EG ventilation, fire fighting, flooding arrangements.
What is listed on a Cargo Ship Safety Certificate (C) / Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate (E)?
Lifeboats (type number), RB, LR
Lifebuoys, Lifejackets, Immersion Suits
NAVIGATION EQUIPMENT: Compasses (magnetic, spare magnetic, gyro, repeaters, pelorus) Nautical Charts and Backup arrangements Nautical Publications Radar - X band S band, ARPA AIS LRIT VDR Speed Log, SOG STW Echoe sounder ROT Sound Reception Rudder, Propeller, thrust, pitch indicators Radar Reflector Code of signals Iamsar Vol III BWNAS Aldis lamp
FIREFIGHTING EQUIPMENT Fire control plans Fire extinguishers Fixed fire systems Fireman’s outfits Fire detection and alarm system
What is the purpose of Port State Control?
To ensure compliance with international conventions.
To stop substandard ships trading;
Ensure that vessels are:
Do not pose a pollution risk
Provide a healthy and safe working environment.
Ensure owners maintain their vessels.
This is achieved under MOU: an agreement between contracting states to survey and inspect vessels in accordance with international conventions and standards.
What is the difference between port state and flag state?
Flag State: Is the contracting government / state to which a ship is registered.
- Contracting means party to IMO and has ratified its conventions.
Port State: Is the contracting states jurisdiction – They have statutory authority over foreign vessels calling at ports within their jurisdiction. Applies its own regulations and has the right inspect any vessel calling at its ports.
E.G AMSA is the flag state and port state of SMII, it is the port state of a foreign vessel visiting an Australian port.
How is MLC Implemented?
Vessel carries a Maritime Labour Certificate. (Issued by Class)
It has attached Document of Maritime Labour Compliance Part 1 and II.
(Part 1 Completed by Flag State, Part 2 Completed by Owner and verified by Class)
Subject to renewal survey and intermediate survey.
Vessel satisfies the 5 Main articles of the Maritime Labour Convention:
i) Minimum requirements for seafarers to work on a ship.
ii) Conditions of employment.
iii) Accommodation, recreational facilities, food and catering.
iv) Health protection, medical care, welfare and social security protection.
v) Compliance and enforcement.
How do Maritime Coastal Zones Work?
United Nations Convention on Law of the Seas; defines coastal zones that states may claim and exercise jurisdiction over:
0-12NM: Territorial Waters
States National Waters - Subject to Local National Legislation
Specific Port State Laws Apply, will be prosecuted under the laws of that state.
Foreign Vessels have right of innocent passage
12-24NM: Contiguous Zone
Buffer zone for territorial waters
Coastal State enforces: Customs, Immigration, Drugs, Health
24-200NM: Exclusive Economic Zone
Coastal State has economic rights to exploit / control natural resources / fishing.
Coastal State is responsible for environment.
> 200NM:
Vessels comply with Flag State requirements; prosecuted in accordance with vessel flag state or nationality of individual.
What Entries are to be made into the official logbook?
- Vessels Particulars
- Abandon Ship and Fire Drills, Musters, Other Drills-Examination-Instruction of LSA and FFE.
- Inspection of LSA and FFE
- Inspection of accommodation in accordance with MLC
- Steering Test and Drills
- Opening and Closing of Cargo Loading Doors and Watertight Doors
- Request of assistance to vessels in distress
- Dangers to Navigation
- Change of Master
- Notification about wrecks
- Incidents causing loss of life or injury
- Any additional entries (agreed codes of conduct etc)
- Birth, Death or Disappearance of person on board
- Deceased Seafarers and their effects.
- Conviction, Promotion, Misconduct of Seafarers
- Stowaways
How to deal with cybersecurity?
Cyber Security Risk Management Plan should be implemented into the Safety management System
What are the ISPS Requirements for ships?
ISPS Code sets out the regulations a vessel must meet.
SOLAS X1-2 Measures to enhance maritime security: Makes this mandatory for SOLAS vessels.
Implemented in Australia through Marine Transport and Offshore Facility Act 2003
International Ship Security Certificate (subject to intermediate and renewal verification Department of Transport and Infrastructure)
Must meet part A of ISPS code
Continous Synopsis Record
Ship Security Plan
Declaration of Security
Designation of Company Security Office, Ships Security Officer
What is a continuous Synopsis Record?
Required by SOLAS Ships.
Recorded History of the Ship
Flag State, Date of Registration, Idenficiation , Name, POwners, Charterers, Classification Society
Changes to any of the above are to be recorded, Flag State to issue new CSR.
All previous CSR are on board.
Keeps track of a ship, can’t dodgey up information/ownership/history.
List some certificates and their validity?
Registration Certificate: UNCLOS, ship is registered to flag state - meets flag state requirements, e.g is classified, or owned by national. Renewed when changed.
Tonnage Certificate: Tonnage Convention, Gives GT – for safety requirements Gives NT - for taxes and dues of the vessel. No Expiry, or when vessel modified.
Safe Manning Certificate: SOLAS V: 5 year validity.
Load Line Certificate: LL Convention, vessel is seaworthy in construction respects, 5 yr annual , intermediate
Anti Foul Certificate: Antifoul Convention, vessel has used an approved antifoul, Initial Survey, when antifoul is changed.
Cargo Ship Safety Certificate (SOLAS CH II,III, IV, V) 5 years, annual intermediate Or Cargo ship Safety Constrcution, Equipment & Radio
What are the requirements for Testing and Drills?
Passenger Muster within 24 hours on voyages >24hours
Abandon Ship Monthly (25% crew change)
Fire Drill Monthly (25% crew change)
Lifeboat Man on water 3 Months
Free Fall Lifeboat Simulated Launch 6 Months
RB Monthly as far as practicable (shall be every 3 months)
Marine Evacuation Systems Up to deployment 2 years
Liferaft Davit operated at each Abandon ship drill
Liferaft Davit Training every 4 months
Liferaft Demonstration every 6 months
Steering 3 Months
Confined Space 2 Months
ISPS 3 Months