A-LEVEL Physics: 4.2.2: Couples (SaveMyExams) Flashcards
What is a ‘Force Couple’?
A Force Couple is a Pair of Equal & Opposite Coplanar Forces that Act to Produce Rotation Only.
a Force Couple Consists of a Pair of Forces that are: (3)
-Equal in Magnitude.
-Opposite in Direction.
-Perpendicular to the Distance Between them.
Couples Produce a Resultant Force of…
Why do Objects that have a Force Couple Not Accelerate?
Because Force Couples Produce a Resultant Force of Zero.
When a Force Couple Acts on an Object, the Object does not ___. Why is this?
Accelerate. Because Force Couples Produce a Resultant Force of Zero.
Unlike Moments of a Single Force, the Moment Caused by a Force Couple doesn’t Depend on a ___. Why?
Pivot. Because the Forces are Equal & Opposite.