A-LEVEL Physics: 4.1.14 & 4.1.15: Terminal Speed (Seneca) Flashcards
What is ‘Terminal Speed/Velocity’?
When the Forces of Air Resistance & the Driving Force Reach Equilibrium, the Object Will Reach a Maximum Speed. This Speed is Called Terminal Speed/Velocity.
When a Skydiver Jumps out of a Plane, what is his Initial Acceleration?
9.81ms^-2 (Acceleration due to Gravity)
As the Skydiver Speeds Up, what happens?
The Number of Air Particles he Collides with per Second Increases.
Hence, the Air Resistance Increases.
Throughout the Fall of a Skydiver, his ___ Remains the Same. What does this mean?
This means that his Downward Force Remains Constant Throughout.
What happens as the Skydiver Speeds Up in the Air? What happens at this Point?
As the Skydiver Speeds Up, the Air Resistance Increases more & more, up Until the Air Resistance Force = Weight of the Skydiver. The Forces Balance Out.
At this Point, the Skydiver Reaches Terminal Speed.
The Skydiver will Remain at Constant Speed Unless…
Something Changes, & the Forces of Air Resistance & Weight Acting on him are No Longer in Equilibrium.
What happens when the Skydiver Deploys his Parachute? (3)
-The Air Resistance Increases Due to the Extra Surface Area.
-The Resistive Force is now Larger than the Weight of the Skydiver.
-The Skydiver Slows Down- Decelerates.
What happens after the Skydiver Deploys his Parachute, & he Decelerates? (3)
-As his Speed Decreases, so does the Resistive Force of Air Resistance.
-The Speed Decreases Until the Resistive Force of Air Resistance is Equal to the Downwards Force of Weight of the Skydiver.
-This gives the Skydiver a new, Smaller, Terminal Speed. It is now Safe for him to Land on the Ground.
The Amount of Drag that an Object Experiences is Proportional to its… (2)
-Surface Area.
What 3 Factors Determine the Amount of Drag an Object Experiences? (3)
-Surface Area.
-Shape (how Streamlined).
The Faster an Object is Travelling, the ___ the Drag Force.
The Slower an Object is Travelling, the ___ the Drag Force.
The Larger the Surface Area of a Moving Object, the ___ the Drag Force.
The Smaller the Surface Area of a Moving Object, the ___ the Drag Force.
The Shape of an Object can Affect the ___ Forces it Experiences.
The More Streamlined a Moving Object is, the ___ the Drag Force Will be.
The Less Streamlined a Moving Object is, the ___ the Drag Force Will be.
In Reality, Projectiles Travelling Through the Air Experience…
What does this mean?
Air Resistance.
This means that, in a Real Experiment, we Expect the Projectile to Travel Smaller Distances & Reach Lower Speeds than Predicted.
What is the Maximum Speed of a Vehicle?
The Maximum Speed of a Vehicle is the Vehicle’s Terminal Velocity Through the Surrounding Air.
When does a Moving Object Reach Terminal Velocity?
Resistive Frcitional/Drag Force = Driving Force
To Increase the Maximum Speed of a Vehicle, we Can: (2)
-Reduce the Drag Forces it Experiences, by Making the Vehicle More Streamlined.
-Increase the Driving Force of the Vehicle, by Making the Engine More Powerful.