A Breif History Of Yoga Flashcards
2000-1000 BCE
(Vedic Period) First scant references to yoga are found, along with certain references to breath control, basic philosophy and spirituality.
1000 BCE
(Pre-Classical Yoga) The earliest Brahmanas and Upanishads are orally composed with many more early references to yoga philosophy and spirituality. The word yoga is actually first encountered by name and described in detail in the Upanishads. Still no hard evidence of reference to an actual physical practice encountered.
500 BCE
(Epic Period) The Mahabharata, Bhagavad Gita, and later, Upanishads are orally composed. Yoga as its own distinct philosophy and practice begins to take shape and form. Krishna reveals to Arjuna the three paths of yoga in detail - nana, bhakti, and karma yoga. However, still no mention of yoga as a physical practice.
200 CE
(Classical Period) Patanjali writes the Yoga Sutra (including the eight limbs). Now one finds the backbone of most modern forms of yoga, including current yoga philosophy known as Raja yoga.
500 CE - 1900 CE
(Post-Classical Yoga) Many styles of yoga emerge based on several of the Yoga Sutras and the eight limbs. Several schools of Hatha yoga begin to form and the basic poses get established. the Hatha Yoga Pradipika is written around 1400 CE and the Gheranda Samhita around the late 1600’s.
1900 CE to Present
(Modern Yoga) Various masters come to the United States and other western countries and begin teaching yoga to a new audience. Hatha yoga is greatly influenced by the gymnastics of the British empire and hybrid vinyasa styles of yoga are both out of the British occupation of India.
The Future of Yoga
No one knows what will happen with yoga’s future, but many scholars and advanced yoga teachers believe a new wave in the “yoga craze” will involve the more spiritual, therapeutic and philosophical aspects of yoga, perhaps incorporating the other Vedic sciences and Ayurveda, Mantra, and Jyotisha.