9.3 to what extent was there a cultural revolution during athelred's reign? Flashcards
What is the biggest cause of culture change?
Is culture a fixed concept?
What does Aethelred realise? How?
He needs to defend English culture by 1005, does thus by embarking on ‘cultural revolution’
What did Aethelred do to create a cultural revolution?
Made his own law codes
Who else, apart from Aethelred, helped cutural revolution?
Wulfstan, Aelfric, Aethelweard
What was the background to Aethelred’s law codes?
Why did he need to introduce a new law code? (4)
Aethelred is the biggest legal reformer, before him, little changed in governance
To gain peace and stability within his kingdom, to boost trade and the economy, make legal system more efficient, strengthen rule of the Church
What are the important sections in Aethelred’s law codes?
Aethelred II
Aethelred III
Aethelred V
Aethelred VII
Aethelred VIII
What was the purpose of Aethelred II
Dealt with the calling of a truce between Aethelred and the Vikings
Peace agreement terms involved setting down details about how Saxons and Vikings should treat eachother
What was the purpose of Aethelred III
Dealt with the role of thegns and reeves when acting as witnesses and outlines the beginning of a jury system
What was the purpose of Aethelred V
Drafted by Archbishop Wulfstan
Stated that if you abided by a moral conduct, God would offer protection against the enemies outside the Kingdom
What was the purpose of Aethelred VII
Outlined that the nation needed to starve for 3 days, pay extra tribute for God to help ward off the enemy
What was the purpose of Aethelred VIII
Emphasised the importance of the Church
Under Aethelred, the Church had been disregarded and disrespected, he had lost control of law and order
What was the significance of the law codes?
Highlighted the importance the King attatched to the role of the Church
How many sermons did Wulfstan write?
What was his most famous one?
What did this say about England’s suffering?
Atleast 26
‘Sermo Lupi Ad Anglos’
Dwells on why England suffered because of how religion decreased
How do we know Wulfstan had an influence on Aethelred’s law codes?
How do we know he affacted carolingian writing?
His unique prose style was apparant in the law codes
Similarities in the law codes
What do other writings of Wulfstan include?
Reveals an interest in local government and it’s relationship with the Church
What was Wulfstan’s ‘Cannons of Edgar’ about and for?
Outlined the obligation and outlies of parish priests reinforces of culture
What does Aethelweards chronicle contain that is of interest?
In what way is it the first of its kind?
Has access to stuff that the Church doesn’t
First of its kind to be written in English
What is important about the view Aethelweard’s chronicle contains?
A non-Church view.
Reflects the independent views of Awethelweard, rather than those of the sponsorers of Chroniclers, who wrote the orignal versions of the ASC
Why is Aethelweard’s contribution to cultural change considered significant?
Showed that writers could write free from influence
What is evidence to show that Aethelred was a failure? (3)
Crippled the Saxon economy
Couldn’t control his ealdormen
Inexperienced ealdermen
What is evidence to show that Aethelred was NOT a failure? (3)
Longest serving
Cultural revolution
Law codes