4.3 to what extent could we call edward the king of england? Flashcards
What 3 countries did Edward campaign against?
Scotland, Wales, Ireland.
When is the submission of Scottish kings?
What is the sole record of events?
Why is this a problem?
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle.
Cannot be said with certainty that the Welsh and Scottish Kings were acknowledging Edward.
Who was the Scottish king?
Which buhrs are built just before the Scottish submission?
Nottingham and Bakewell
Which phrase in the ASC implies that Edward had overlord ship?
What does this symbolise the start of?
‘chose him as lord’
Symbolises the start of medieval feudalism (920)
What might the meeting in 920 be viewed as?
What might leaders also want to see?
Part of an emerging need for Kings to check on each others positions and authority.
What could be gained through negotiation.
What had the preceding decades been marked by?
Why might this have prompted an alliance?
Strength and weakness of this argument.
-The threat of Viking invasion and settlement.
-There was a threat against English, Scotish, Welsh, it’s in their best interest to form allience to overpower Vikings.
S= ASC mentions Viking raider Raegnals acknowledging Edward’s overloadship at the same time as Constantine (Scott king).
W= Alliences were formed between Saxons and Scandinavians and other non-Scandinavian enemies.
When is the submission of the Welsh Kings?
What is the sole record of events?
Why is this a problem?
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle.
Cannot be said with certainty that the Welsh and Scottish Kings were acknowledging Edward.
What does the inclusion of ‘lord’ not necessarily mean?
That the Welsh and Scottish Kings were handing over all authority to Edward.
What does the ASC claim Edward did after Aethelflaed’s death?
What does the ASC say that the Welsh did?
Edward took the stronghold of all the nation of the land of Mercia.
Sought to Edward as their lord.
Name 2 Welsh kings.
What had Edward already set a precedent (example) for?
Attempting to improve relationships with the Welsh.
What happened in 914?
What was this a communication of?
Who had previously been hostile to the Welsh?
What could the submission therefore be based on?
Welsh bishop, Llandoff, was captured by the Vikings and Edward had to pay a ransom.
Cordality (friendliness) that had been displayed by Edward’s father.
Desire to maintain peace, rather than a need to form a friendly allience.
Overall, what is the difference between Edward’s relationship with Scotland and Wales?
Scotland= tactical, friendly alliance.
Wales= proximity (more to do with each other), but also friendly.
When was Ireland first raided by the Vikings?
What did they attack?
What does archeological evidence suggest about the Irish? (2)
-They tried to resist the Vikings.
‘Hybrid culture emerged’ aka Hibrno-Norse culture.
What was the most important for Hiberno-Norse culture in Ireland?
-Fortified town, relatively small but powerful kingdom.
What happened in 902?
What did this lead to?
Dublin Vikings were overpowered by Irish chieftains (leaders).
They had to refuge to north-west region of England.
What happened as settlements spread?
How was this enhanced?
Threat to Edward increased, possibility of alliances between Vikings and non-Viking kings grew.
An alliance between the latter and Danes from north of England. (challenges in his regin from Aethelwold)
What is known about Raegnald (IRELAND)?
What did he do in 917?
Who had he fought prior to this?
Very little.
Joined forces with a Viking fleet.
Fought Constantine (Scott King).
What does the Amals of Ulster and the ASC state? (2)
Who won in the end?
-Raegald shows up.
-There was a ‘great slaughter of heathens’.
-Raegald won to defeat the Scots, who suffered heavy casualties.
What did Raegald do in 919?
Why is this significant?
What could this have led to?
-Stormed York.
-York is an important place in the North, signalled further trouble for Edward.
-Could have meant the start of a new wave of raiding Mercia and a resurgence of Viking authority.
Who was Raegnald’s cousin?
What did he do? (2)
What could this have been seen as? Why?
-Attacked north-west Mercia
-Destroyed Davenport
An attempt to test Anglo-Saxon defences in a different area.
Edward had strengthened the defences of Nottingham and Bakewell.