4.1 how effectively did edward deal with his dynastic challenges? Flashcards
What was the situation when Alfred died?
-Dynastic issues, Alfred disinherited Aethelwold
-Primogeniture (first-born takes the throne) didn’t exist, Edward’s succession wasn’t guaranteed
What did Aethelwold do when Alfred died?
What was this seen as?
Siezed parts of Dorset.
Seen as a clear claim to the throne.
How was Aethelwold’s claim well founded? (3)
-He had a clear blood claim
-Had support in Wessex
-Edward had not been crowned straight away, if Aethelwold got in first he could be crowned instead
How did Edward respond quickly to Aethelwold’s strong claims to the throne?
-Set up a camp at close at Wimborne
-Aethelwold fled Edward, leaving behind a nun who he had abducted
-This nun was supposed to be a symbolic defiance of Edward and his bishops
-Aethelwold fled to the North and allied with Northumbrian Viking (swore alliegence to him and acknowledged him as King)
Why can’t Edward just kill Aethelwold?
Kings rule by consent, can’t just kill members of the royal family>will lose support (ealdormen and witan wouldn’t approve)
Was the alliance with the Danes a serious issue?
-Norsemen (north germany) may have intended to use Aethelwold as a client king (to manipulate)
-Norsemen believed Aethelwold had so much support in the South
-North+South vs Edward = problem!
-Aethelwold had extra resources, he can launch against Edward
What happened in 903?
Who supported him in this?
-Aethelwold persuaded the East Anglian vikings to break their peace with Edward and to raid his territory.
-Some of Edward’s army (disobeying his orders), Northumbria, Wessex, East Anglia, Essex and Mercia.
Why is 903 important?
Who was victorious?
-Aethelwold is killed, proves Kentish army wrong and leads to:
dynastic crisis and sets the tone for Edward, putting foot foward
What did Edward do in response to the events of 903?
How was Edwards’s withdrawl from Cambridgeshire was tactical?
Raiding parts of Cambridgeshire
Aethelwold had substantial support from many kingdoms
How had Wessex come to be allied with Mercia?
Marriage between Aethelflaed (Alfred’s daughter) and Aethelred (king of Mercia)
What evidence is there that the relationship between Mercia and Wessex changed?
-Charters show that Mercian leaders had little agreements.
-Aethelred’s Relics (historical object) had been taken from Northumbria (vikings are ruling here)>had to have sent men to get>seen as an act of war>eventually leading to one in 907>EDWARD DOESN’T KNOW THIS>independent rulers.
What was the problem when Edward came to the throne? (3)
-No guarantee that the ally between Mercia and Wessex would remain
-Conflict over the control of London
-All coinage only has West Saxon King’s face on it
What two sources are evidence for the fact that Edward’s control over the Mercian leaders was limited?
-Amals of Aethelflaed (Mercian register)
-Anglo-Saxon World
What evidence is there that Edward was still Lord of Mercia?
-Charters issued by Edward hint that
-Edward led a combined Wessex and Mercian army to raid Northumbria in 909
What was the purpose between Edward’s first marriage?
Who were the children from this marriage?
How might this benefit Edward?
-To provide Edward with an heir
-Aethelstan and Edith (twins-considered lucky in anglo-saxon society)
-He has a girl to marry off, and a boy to inherit
-Aethelstan’s legitimacy was questioned:
someone else’s child
born before marriage
What was the purpose behind Edward’s second marriage?
Did it work? Why?
Who were the children of this marriage?
-To unite the ealdormen after Alfred’s death
-No, dynastic issues with Aethelwold continued
-Aethelweard, Edwin, and 6 daughters
What was the purpose behind Edward’s third marriage?
Who did he marry?
Who were the children of this marriage?
-To feel secure as King
-Daughter of a prominent Kentish ealdormen
-Edmund and Eadred (Aethelstan is 26 years older than Eadmund!!)
How many children does Edward have overall?
What does this create?
What does this tell us about marriage helping Edward deal with his problems?
-14 (5 sons and 9 daughters)
-Dynasty issue when Edward dies
-Marriage solved short-term dynasty problems (he has multiple heirs), but creates a long-term dynasty (conflict over claim to the throne)