5.1 how effectively did aethelstan deal with the early challenges to his rule? Flashcards
When did Edward the Elder die?
When was Aethelstan crowned?
Which part of England was Aethelstan initially given charge over?
What was his title?
‘Lord of Mercia’
Why was it natural that Aethelstan should inherit Mercia? (2)
Why wasn’t he given the whole of England?
-His mother is Mercian
-He spent lots of time in Mercia with the sons of Mercian ealdormen>alliances
-He was illegitamate
When did Aethelstan’s brother die?
What does this mean for Aethelstan? (2)
924, 2 weeks after Edward’s death
-He is the next heir who is competent
-Mercian ealdormen create their own Witan
Which is the ONLY chronicler made an extensive history of Aethelstan’s life in the ASC? When?
Who was he?
Aethelweard in 980, only 16 years after his death
Ealdorman who was the only secular writer
Why did Aethelstan have to banish his brother Edwin? (2) When?
-Edwin tried to stage a small rebellion to take Aethelstan of the throne
-Edwin tried to blind him (disabled can’t be king)
What did Aethelstan do after banishing Edwin that shows he felt guilty?
Built many Churches around the Irish coast e.g. Miton Abbas.
Which area of the Danelaw was still outside of Saxon control?
York and Northumbria
How many siblings did Aethelstan have when coming to the throne?
Why was he favoured by Alfred? E.g.
Aethelstan was wise and well-educated
E.g. went to war at age 12 and made a name for himself>on track to be King
Describe the disagreement in Mercia (5)
-Edward dies of a cold
-Aethelweard should be next in line
-Aethelweard dies 2 weeks later from illness
-Edwin should be next in line
-Aethelstand sends Edwin to a monastry in Ireland in 933, he drowns>*ends dynastic crisis
In the disagreement in Mercia, who does Mercian ealdormen and witan declare as King?
What does this mean he has to do?
He needs to take Wessex by force to gain their support
Promisises to never marry>clears legitimacy crisis.
How old was Edward when he had Aethelstan?
What issue does this cause? Counter?
Edward’s first-born, Edward was 16>legitimacy issues>Aethelstan doesn’t expect to be King.
However, Anglo-Saxons don’t have primogeniture>illegitimacy doesn’t matter.
What happened to Aethelstan when he turned 9?
-He was sent to Mercia to be fostered
-Spent time with sons of Mercian ealdormen>built alliances>on track to become King
How is Aethelstan seen as the best King of England? (3)
-Vikings adressed his respectively
-First crowned King of England
-Peace and prosperity under his rule
What did Alfred want Aethelstan to be referred to as?
Give an additional fact about Aethelstan and Alfred
Aethelstan was the only grandchild to know Alfred.
Why is York a problem? (3)
-The Viking capital
-2nd largest city
-Has it’s own archbishop
Overall, very powerful city!
What does Aethelstan do to solve the problem of York?
Arranged the marriage of his only, full, twin-sister Eadgyth to Sihtric of York, a peaceful Viking leader.
Does Aethelstan’s plan to solve the problem of York work? Why?
Why is this now a problem?
No, Sihtric dies in 927
Next immediate heir is Olaf, he is 10 years old, needs a guardian=Guthfrith, he’s an aggressive leader, doesn’t follow Sihtric’s treaty
3 ways of how Aethelstan was effective in dealing with York
- Forces Guthrith of Olaf to flee York
- Gives Sihtric control of York, rebuilds it
- Scares Vikings off
Who were the Vikings outside of York?
-Olaf and Guthrith
-Olaf Guthfrithsson
-Harald Fairhar
Where do we find alot of our information about the interaction between Aethelstan and Olaf and Guthrith? (2)
Why are each of these problematic?
-Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, didn’t write about Aethelstian.
-William of Malmsebury, he’s the only one who writes about the burning of York.
How does Aethelstan’s reputation change because of the events William of Malmesbury describes about Olaf and Guthrith?
Anger, violence, retaliation, scary, without warning, quickly.
Summarise William’s account of Olaf and Guthrith (5)
-Aethelstan’s invasion of York forced Olaf to flee Ireland whilst Gufrith fled to Strathclyde.
-Aethelstan demanded Consatine and Owain to return Guthfrith, failure to do so>war.
-*Led to meeting at Eamont, kings submitted to Aethelstan’s overlordship.
-Guthrith besieged York>Aethelstan burned York
-Guthrith turned up to Aethelstan’s court begging for mercy and bearing gifts.
What are the short term vs long term impacts of Olaf and Guthrith for Aethelstan?
What does this lead to? E.g?
Short term=defeated Viking threat outside of York.
Long term=he broke northern alliances that sheltered the Viking leaders when they flead>offends Scottish and Streth vikings>other countries will ally e.g. Constantine and Olaf Guthfrithsson.
Summarise Olaf Guthfrithsson. (4)
-Son of Guthfrith
-Arrived in England 934 and became a problem for Aethelstan, until they faced a battle, Brunanbuhr 937. Defeat was significant:
-end of Scottish independent power
-if Aethelstan lost>pave the way for a Viking resurgence of power
-didn’t kill Olaf in battle>likely to return in the battle>likely to return to England for revenge>problem for Edmund (Aehtelstan’s younger brother, next heir)
Summarise Harald Fairhair
-First King of Norway, Aehelstan formed a friendship with him:
-Aethelstan sent him a beauiful sword to acknowledge his kingship
-Harald sent his son Hakon to Aehelstan’s court to be fostered and learn Saxon ways
-Hakon was given miliary support when he returned to Norway>secures his position as King.
How might Aethelstan’s relationship with Harald be beneficial in the long-term?
An alliance is being formed,
Why is Aethelstan so kind to Harald?
He realises that the Vikings aren’t leaving.
What is how Aethelstan dealt with the challenge of Scotland linked with?
The way Aethelstan dealt with the challenge of York.
What did Aethelstan have after the defeat of York? (2)
-A strong presence in the North
-Threatening to the Scottish
Why were Scottish fears of Aethelstan well founded?
How did he do this and how far?
-934, Aethelstan started to harry (continuously raid) the Scottish
-Raided land and sea routes
-Raided far into Scotland e.g. Caithness
What happened in 937 in Scotland?
Why was this a problem for Aethelstan?
-Leaders of the Scottish and Strathclyde people (Constatine and Owain) formed an alliance with Olaf Gufrithsson.
-The combined forces decided to invade England
The result of 937 in Scotland, what was the final battle called?
What happened in terms of casualties?
How was Aethelstan’s army described?
-Battle of Brunuanbuhr 937
-Heavy casualties on both sides, but Northmen and Scottishmen came off worse
-Well organised, well-managed and strategically astute (sharp)
What happened when the Scottish and the Northmen tried to retreat from the battle of Brunuanbuhr 937?
Which chroniclers documented the battle?
How do they describe it?
-Leaders of the enemy were driven back to where they came from
-ASC and Abbot Aelfric of Eynsham
-Hugely significant
Which of Aethelstan’s attributes do the chroniclers emphasise about the battle of Brunuanbuhr 937?
Heroism and skills in directing an intergrated army.
Why was Northumbria not fully intergrated after the defeat of the alliance?
What position can Aethelstan appoint in Northumbria, which is the most powerful in the North?
Why does this show Viking influence?
To protect their autonomy
Earl of Northumbria
Title was an Anglo-Danish term
Which faction did notably support Aethelstan?
Community of St Cuthburt (most popular English Saint)
What did subjugated (under domination) kings still have the authority to do? e.g
Why is that a problem for Aethelstan?
Make appointments of people to important positions of influence
e.g. Archbishop of York, He had great influence in areas of England Alfred wanted to secure.
Overall, what were the 2 phases of Aethelstan dealing with the Scottish challenge?
- Harrying the Scottish in 934
- Battle of Brunanburh in 937
What did Aethelstan do with York once they took his sister hostage?
Burnt York to the ground